如何从 mesos 集群中删除代理?

How to remove an agent from a mesos cluster?

在 IaaS 上下文中(实际上是 Azure),我从我们的 mesos 集群中删除了一台机器,之前没有安排维护 window 将其拆除。

这个代理和属于它的任务现在在 UI 上显示为 "unreachable",我尝试使用 /maintenance/schedule/machine/down,但效果很好,但是代理和任务仍然在 UI 上显示为 "unreachable",有什么办法可以摆脱它?

如何处理此任务取决于您的框架。 Mesos 本身失去了与不响应健康检查的代理的连接。这导致将代理及其所有任务标记为 unreachable. If a framework is partition-aware it should handle this situation. If not you may need to wait until the task is marked as failed.

--agent_reregister_timeout=VALUE The timeout within which an agent is expected to re-register. Agents re-register when they become disconnected from the master or when a new master is elected as the leader. Agents that do not re-register within the timeout will be marked unreachable in the registry; if/when the agent re-registers with the master, any non-partition-aware tasks running on the agent will be terminated. NOTE: This value has to be at least 10mins. (default: 10mins)