如何根据测试注释向 MockMvc 请求添加 header?

How to add a header to a MockMvc request, depending on test annotation?

作为 的跟进,我想知道如何透明地将 "Authorization" header 添加到 MockHttpServletRequestBuilder,前提是给定的注释存在于测试。


public class MyControllerTest {

    protected MockMvc mockMvc;

    @WithJwt(principal = "admin", authorities = {"READ_USERS"})
    public void readUsersAuthorityCanListUsers() throws Exception {
        final List<User> users = Arrays.asList(admin, user);
        when(userRepo.findAll(any(Pageable.class))).thenReturn(new PageImpl<>(users));

                        .header("Authorization", "Bearer foo"))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.content", hasSize(users.size())));

如果测试用 @WithJwt 装饰,如何 post-process 请求生成器自动应用 .header("Authorization", "Bearer foo")

我结束了包装 MockMvc 和代理方法调用,添加了 Authorization header.

对于单个 header,这将是 over-kill,但此 MockMvcHelper 还设置 content-type 并接受 headers,提供发布简单的快捷方式api 调用(获取、post、放置补丁、默认删除 headers 和序列化)等
