使用 generate 语句在 VHDL 中创建 'n' 寄存器数组

Use generate statement to create 'n' array of registers in VHDL

我正在将旧的 AHDL 代码转换为 VHDL,我需要使用 generate 语句创建 5 个电阻阵列。我以前从未使用过 generate,尝试了几个小时后,我仍然找不到问题的答案。我最初的方法是使用一个 18 位输入数组和一个 18 位输出数组,但我知道这不是方法。


entity setup_comp_reg is

    NUM_ID: integer := 18

  port ( 
  clk:      in std_logic;  
  D:            in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);   
  clrn:     in std_logic;   
  ena:      in std_logic;   

  Q:            out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0)

end setup_comp_reg;

architecture rtl of setup_comp_reg is


DFFE: process (clk, clrn, ena) -- 18 times, using generate 

    if (clrn = '0') then
        Q<= (others => '0');

    elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then

        if (ena = '1') then
            Q<= D;
        end if;

    end if;
end process;

end rtl;

那么,我已经有了 DFFE,但是如何使用生成器创建 5 个数组,每个数组 18 位?

AHDL 代码很容易解释,它也可能有帮助:

for i in 17 to 0 generate                       
            rg_bit_time[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)      = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adBT&iWR);
            rg_sample_time[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)   = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adSP&iWR);
            rg_low_sync[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)      = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adLS&iWR);
            rg_hi_sync[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)       = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adHS&iWR);
    end generate;


AHDL generate 语句为 i 的每次迭代表示四个触发器。

AHDL 生成语句:

for i in 17 to 0 generate                       
            rg_bit_time[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)      = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adBT&iWR);
            rg_sample_time[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)   = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adSP&iWR);
            rg_low_sync[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)      = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adLS&iWR);
            rg_hi_sync[i].(d, clk, clrn, ena)       = (iDATA[i], clk, not reg_reset, adHS&iWR);
    end generate; 

AHDL 使用函数原型来表示基元(此处为 DFFE)。 return 值将是 q 输出(并且在 AHDL 生成语句中未提及)。具有函数原型关联的名称有四种赋值。这代表四个 18 个触发器的数组。

DFFE 寄存器的函数原型显示在 Altera Hardware Description Language (AHDL) Language Reference Manual,第 3 节,原语,触发器和锁存器原语,Table 3-9 中。 MAX+PLUS II 人字拖和门锁:

其中 return 值将与 AHDL 生成语句中赋值语句中的名称(例如 rg_bit_time[i])关联。

在 VHDL 中,我们通过将实际值与包含输出的 DFFE 实体的形式值相关联来做到这一点。


library ieee;                   -- ADDED context clause
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity setup_comp_reg is

    generic (
        NUM_ID: integer := 18

    port ( 
        clk:            in  std_logic;  
        D:              in  std_logic_vector(NUM_ID - 1 downto 0);   
        clrn:           in  std_logic;   
        ena:            in  std_logic;   
        -- Q:        out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0)
        WR:             in  std_logic;  -- ADDED
        adBT:           in  std_logic;  -- ADDED
        adSP:           in  std_logic;  -- ADDED
        adLS:           in  std_logic;  -- ADDED
        adHS:           in  std_logic;  -- ADDED
        rg_bit_time:    out std_logic_vector(NUM_ID - 1 downto 0); -- ADDED
        rg_sample_time: out std_logic_vector(NUM_ID - 1 downto 0); -- ADDED
        rg_low_sync:    out std_logic_vector(NUM_ID - 1 downto 0); -- ADDED
        rg_hi_sync:     out std_logic_vector(NUM_ID - 1 downto 0)  -- ADDED
end entity setup_comp_reg;

architecture rtl of setup_comp_reg is
    -- For no -2008 dependency, ADD these:
    signal adBTWR:      std_logic;
    signal adSPWR:      std_logic;
    signal adLSWR:      std_logic;
    signal adHSWR:      std_logic;
-- Write ENABLE conditions:

    adBTWR <= adBT and WR;
    adSPWR <= adSP and WR;
    adLSWR <= adLS and WR;
    adHSWR <= adHS and WR;

    for i in NUM_ID - 1 downto 0 generate
        process (clk, clrn)  -- enables not needed in sensitivity list
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_bit_time(i)  <= '0';
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adBTWR = '1' then
                    rg_bit_time(i) <= D(i);
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
        process (clk, clrn)
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_sample_time(i)  <= '0';
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adSPWR = '1' then
                    rg_sample_time(i) <= D(i);
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
        process (clk, clrn)
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_low_sync(i)  <= '0';
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adLSWR = '1' then
                    rg_low_sync(i) <= D(i);
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
        process (clk, clrn)
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_hi_sync(i)  <= '0';
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adHSWR = '1' then
                    rg_hi_sync(i) <= D(i);
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
    end generate;

end architecture rtl;

您可以关联实体 (DFFE) 中的各个触发器,但在 VHDL 寄存器传输逻辑 (RTL) 表示中没有必要。在 AHDL 中,您别无选择,命名元素将是一个触发器,很可能与设备的引脚相关联。


使用带有实例化触发器的生成语句将详细说明用于实例化的 i 个嵌套块语句,外部用于端口映射,内部包含一个或多个进程为四个名称中的每一个实现触发器.上面的代码没有实例化(节省了一个块语句嵌套级别)。


architecture rtl1 of setup_comp_reg is
    -- For no -2008 dependency, ADD these:
    signal adBTWR:      std_logic;
    signal adSPWR:      std_logic;
    signal adLSWR:      std_logic;
    signal adHSWR:      std_logic;
-- Write ENABLE conditions:

    adBTWR <= adBT and WR;
    adSPWR <= adSP and WR;
    adLSWR <= adLS and WR;
    adHSWR <= adHS and WR;

        process (clk, clrn)  -- enables not needed in sensitivity list
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_bit_time  <= (others => '0');
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adBTWR = '1' then
                    rg_bit_time <= D;
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
        process (clk, clrn)
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_sample_time  <= (others => '0');
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adSPWR = '1' then
                    rg_sample_time <= D;
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
        process (clk, clrn)
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_low_sync  <= (others => '0');
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adLSWR = '1' then
                    rg_low_sync <= D;
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
        process (clk, clrn)
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_hi_sync  <= (others => '0');
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adHSWR = '1' then
                    rg_hi_sync <= D;
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
end architecture rtl1;



architecture rtl2 of setup_comp_reg is
    signal adBTWR:      std_logic;
    signal adSPWR:      std_logic;
    signal adLSWR:      std_logic;
    signal adHSWR:      std_logic;
-- Write ENABLE conditions:
    adBTWR <= adBT and WR;
    adSPWR <= adSP and WR;
    adLSWR <= adLS and WR;
    adHSWR <= adHS and WR;

        process (clk, clrn)  -- enables not needed in sensitivity list
            if clrn = '0' then
                rg_bit_time  <= (others => '0');
                rg_sample_time  <= (others => '0');
                rg_low_sync  <= (others => '0');
                rg_hi_sync  <= (others => '0');
            elsif rising_edge (clk) then
                if adBTWR = '1' then
                    rg_bit_time <= D;
                end if;
                if adSPWR = '1' then
                    rg_sample_time <= D;
                end if;
                if adLSWR = '1' then
                    rg_low_sync <= D;
                end if;
                if adHSWR = '1' then
                    rg_hi_sync <= D;
                end if;
            end if;
        end process;
end architecture rtl2;

过程语句是VHDL中的仿真单元。暂停和恢复的执行开销越少。 rtl2 示例有一个过程语句。它可以在灵敏度列表中没有所有启用的情况下工作,因为它们在时钟上升沿上为 'sampled'。保留启用的权限来自 IEEE 标准 1076.6-2004(现已撤销,RTL 综合),它描述了边沿敏感时序逻辑的语法和所需的敏感度列表元素。供应商通常会提供他们将支持并保证符合 1076.6 的时序逻辑形式子集的示例。


(看起来像 IC 测试仪的一部分。)