在 Scala 中扩展特征时如何创建新的特定类型 class

How can I create a new specific type of class when extending a trait in scala

我有一个特点,其中(除其他外)我想要一个方法来创建 class 的新实例,然后还有其他方法使用 [=45= 的那个实例].


trait A {
  def prev: A
  def get(end: A): A

class B extends A {
  def prev: B = new B()
  def get(end: B): B = end.prev

我想在这里展示的是 next 将 return class 的一个新实例(实际上有一些新的构造函数参数)并且 get 方法将使用 next内部(连同其他逻辑)

上面的问题是编译器说"class B must implement abstract member get(end: A): A",这是合理的。


trait A {
  def prev: A
  def get(end: A): A

case class B extends A {
  def prev[TX <: A]: TX = new B()
  def get[TX <: A](end: TX): TX = end.prev

但现在 new B() 上的错误是 "Expression of type B doesn't conform to expected type TX",end.prev

上的错误是 "Expression of type A doesn't conform to expected type TX"

我不明白为什么这是个问题,因为下一个是 returning B,它是 A 的子类型,也就是 TX。



trait Circular[T] {
  // Nodes in the list from the current position up to but NOT INCLUDING the end
  def toStream(end: Circular[T]): Stream[Circular[T]]
  def prev: Circular[T]

我的 class 看起来像:

case class Node[T](val data: T, var prev: Node[T], var next: Node[T])

case class CircularList[T](first: Node[T], last: Node[T], current: Node[T]) 
  extends Circular[T] {

  // Nodes in the list from the current position up to but not including the end
  def toStream(end: CircularList[T]): Stream[CircularList[T]] = {
    def toStreamRec(end: CircularList[T], acc: Stream[CircularList[T]]): Stream[CircularList[T]] = {
      if (this == end) {
      } else {
        toStreamRec(end.prev, Stream.cons(end.prev, acc))
    toStreamRec(end, Stream.empty)

  def prev: CircularList[T] = new CircularList[T](first, last, current.prev)

所以 toStream 在我的缩减示例中映射到 get

你想要的是一个叫做F-bound generic的东西。代码如下:

trait Base[T <: Base[T]] {
  def next: T
  def get(end: T): T

class Chlid extends Base[Child] {
  def next: Chlid = new Chlid()
  def get(end: Chlid): Chlid = end.next


def get(end: B): B


def get(end: A): A

因为原始方法接受 A 类型的对象,而您的方法只需要更窄的类型 B

对于您的 Circular 示例,您需要

trait Circular[T, C <: Circular[T, C]] {
  // Nodes in the list from the current position up to but NOT INCLUDING the end
  def toStream(end: C): Stream[C]

  def next: C

case class Node[T](val data: T, var prev: Node[T], var next: Node[T])

case class CircularList[T](first: Node[T], last: Node[T], current: Node[T]) extends Circular[T, CircularList[T]] {

  // Nodes in the list from the current position up to but not including the end
  def toStream(end: CircularList[T]): Stream[CircularList[T]] = {
    def toStreamRec(end: CircularList[T], acc: Stream[CircularList[T]]): Stream[CircularList[T]] = {
      if (this == end) {
      } else {
        toStreamRec(end.prev, Stream.cons(end.prev, acc))

    toStreamRec(end, Stream.empty)

  def prev: CircularList[T] = new CircularList[T](first, last, current.prev)

  override def next: CircularList[T] = ???