全宽 NSCollectionViewFlowLayout 与 NSCollectionView
Full width NSCollectionViewFlowLayout with NSCollectionView
我有一个 NSCollectionViewFlowLayout
- (NSSize) itemSize
return CGSizeMake(self.collectionView.bounds.size.width, kItemHeight);
} // End of itemSize
- (CGFloat) minimumLineSpacing
return 0;
} // End of minimumLineSpacing
- (CGFloat) minimumInteritemSpacing
return 0;
} // End of minimumInteritemSpacing
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
selector: @selector(onWindowDidResize:)
name: NSWindowDidResizeNotification
object: nil];
- (void) onWindowDidResize: (NSNotification*) notification
[connectionsListView.collectionViewLayout invalidateLayout];
} // End of windowDidResize:
The behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because:
The item width must be less than the width of the UICollectionView minus the section insets left and right values, minus the content insets left and right values.
The relevant UICollectionViewFlowLayout instance is <TestListLayout: 0x106f70f90>, and it is attached to <NSCollectionView: 0x106f76480>.
注意 1:这是 macOS 而不是 iOS(即使错误消息指出 UICollectionViewFlowLayout)。
注意 2:尽管我收到 warning/error 布局宽度有效,但我想找出根本问题。
这是因为您正在使用 didResize 事件,为时已晚。在 window 开始收缩时,您的项目太宽了。尝试使用:
func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> Bool {
return true
我在问题中发布的源代码在 macOS 10.14 上运行良好,没有任何问题。我将以下内容添加到显示集合视图的 window。
// Only Mojave and after is resizable. Before that, a full sized collection view caused issues as listed
// at
if(@available(macOS 10.14, *))
self.window.styleMask |= NSWindowStyleMaskResizable;
} // End of macOS 10.14+
我遇到了同样的问题,但就我而言,我调整了视图大小。在我更改失效上下文之前,@Giles 解决方案对我不起作用
class MyCollectionViewFlowLayout: NSCollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> Bool {
return true
override func invalidationContext(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext {
let context = super.invalidationContext(forBoundsChange: newBounds) as! NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext
context.invalidateFlowLayoutDelegateMetrics = true
return context
我有一个 NSCollectionViewFlowLayout
- (NSSize) itemSize
return CGSizeMake(self.collectionView.bounds.size.width, kItemHeight);
} // End of itemSize
- (CGFloat) minimumLineSpacing
return 0;
} // End of minimumLineSpacing
- (CGFloat) minimumInteritemSpacing
return 0;
} // End of minimumInteritemSpacing
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
selector: @selector(onWindowDidResize:)
name: NSWindowDidResizeNotification
object: nil];
- (void) onWindowDidResize: (NSNotification*) notification
[connectionsListView.collectionViewLayout invalidateLayout];
} // End of windowDidResize:
The behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because:
The item width must be less than the width of the UICollectionView minus the section insets left and right values, minus the content insets left and right values.
The relevant UICollectionViewFlowLayout instance is <TestListLayout: 0x106f70f90>, and it is attached to <NSCollectionView: 0x106f76480>.
注意 1:这是 macOS 而不是 iOS(即使错误消息指出 UICollectionViewFlowLayout)。
注意 2:尽管我收到 warning/error 布局宽度有效,但我想找出根本问题。
这是因为您正在使用 didResize 事件,为时已晚。在 window 开始收缩时,您的项目太宽了。尝试使用:
func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> Bool {
return true
我在问题中发布的源代码在 macOS 10.14 上运行良好,没有任何问题。我将以下内容添加到显示集合视图的 window。
// Only Mojave and after is resizable. Before that, a full sized collection view caused issues as listed
// at
if(@available(macOS 10.14, *))
self.window.styleMask |= NSWindowStyleMaskResizable;
} // End of macOS 10.14+
我遇到了同样的问题,但就我而言,我调整了视图大小。在我更改失效上下文之前,@Giles 解决方案对我不起作用
class MyCollectionViewFlowLayout: NSCollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> Bool {
return true
override func invalidationContext(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext {
let context = super.invalidationContext(forBoundsChange: newBounds) as! NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext
context.invalidateFlowLayoutDelegateMetrics = true
return context