有没有办法使用 Foursquare API 按价格搜索场地?
Is there a way to search venues by price using the Foursquare API?
我正在使用 Foursquare API this API 和 SwiftyJSON 在 Swift 中创建一个 iOS 项目。有什么方法可以获得与特定价格等级相匹配的 Venue 结果?
func setUpFoursquare(){
let client = FoursquareAPIClient(clientId: "JMBLK0SDZ0N2NF5TG3UCLMOF4FA5FKA14AIOZ4P4TS4MHEWO", clientSecret: "*****")
let parameter: [String: String] = [
"near": "Toronto",//destination!,
"limit": "4",
"query": "sushi",
"price": "1",
print("Parameter: \(parameter)");
print("client: \(client)");
//The path is based on the request link. For example, the request link for photos is:
//GET https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/VENUE_ID/photos
//So the path would correspond tovenues/VENUE_ID/photos where VENUE_ID is the corresponding ID.
client.request(path: "venues/search", parameter: parameter) { result in
// client.request(path: "venues/categories", parameter: parameter) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(data):
guard let json = try? JSON(data: data) else{
print("\(#function): Unable to retrieve json object")
print("Json: \(json)")
if json["meta"]["code"] == 200{
self.parse(jsonObject: json)
case let .failure(error):
// Error handling
switch error {
case let .connectionError(connectionError):
case let .responseParseError(responseParseError):
print(responseParseError) // e.g. JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
case let .apiError(apiError):
print(apiError.errorType) // e.g. endpoint_error
print(apiError.errorDetail) // e.g. The requested path does not exist.
}//end switch
}//end client.request
然而 "price":"1" 参数实际上并没有改变结果。
使用 venues/explore
Comma separated list of price points. Currently the valid range of
price points are [1,2,3,4], 1 being the least expensive, 4 being the
most expensive. For food venues, in the United States, 1 is < an
entree, 2 is - an entree, 3 is - an entree, 4 is > an
使用您链接到的 API 包装器,看起来像这样...
let parameter: [String: String] = [
"ll": "35.702069,139.7753269",
"limit": "10",
"price": "1,2"
client.request(path: "venues/explore", parameter: parameter) { result in
// do your SwiftyJSON stuff
我正在使用 Foursquare API this API 和 SwiftyJSON 在 Swift 中创建一个 iOS 项目。有什么方法可以获得与特定价格等级相匹配的 Venue 结果?
编辑: 我当前的代码如下所示:
func setUpFoursquare(){
let client = FoursquareAPIClient(clientId: "JMBLK0SDZ0N2NF5TG3UCLMOF4FA5FKA14AIOZ4P4TS4MHEWO", clientSecret: "*****")
let parameter: [String: String] = [
"near": "Toronto",//destination!,
"limit": "4",
"query": "sushi",
"price": "1",
print("Parameter: \(parameter)");
print("client: \(client)");
//The path is based on the request link. For example, the request link for photos is:
//GET https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/VENUE_ID/photos
//So the path would correspond tovenues/VENUE_ID/photos where VENUE_ID is the corresponding ID.
client.request(path: "venues/search", parameter: parameter) { result in
// client.request(path: "venues/categories", parameter: parameter) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(data):
guard let json = try? JSON(data: data) else{
print("\(#function): Unable to retrieve json object")
print("Json: \(json)")
if json["meta"]["code"] == 200{
self.parse(jsonObject: json)
case let .failure(error):
// Error handling
switch error {
case let .connectionError(connectionError):
case let .responseParseError(responseParseError):
print(responseParseError) // e.g. JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
case let .apiError(apiError):
print(apiError.errorType) // e.g. endpoint_error
print(apiError.errorDetail) // e.g. The requested path does not exist.
}//end switch
}//end client.request
然而 "price":"1" 参数实际上并没有改变结果。
使用 venues/explore
Comma separated list of price points. Currently the valid range of price points are [1,2,3,4], 1 being the least expensive, 4 being the most expensive. For food venues, in the United States, 1 is < an entree, 2 is - an entree, 3 is - an entree, 4 is > an entree.
使用您链接到的 API 包装器,看起来像这样...
let parameter: [String: String] = [
"ll": "35.702069,139.7753269",
"limit": "10",
"price": "1,2"
client.request(path: "venues/explore", parameter: parameter) { result in
// do your SwiftyJSON stuff