VBA 合并动态命名范围导致静态范围 i/o 保持动态

VBA Merge of Dynamic Named Ranges results into a static range i/o keeping dynamic

上下文(VBA7.1,Excel 2013 Pro):
所有工作表和动态命名范围 (DNR) 都是以编程方式创建的。我想将一些 DNR 单元(多列相同数据的情况)合并到一个 DNR 中,以便将它们全部分组。在此阶段,单位DNR及其合并结果均在工作表范围内。

合并的命名范围不保留所有单个 DNR 的动态 属性。如果我手动执行,它当然有效,只是为了确认要合并的 DNR 是有效动态的。



Sub xx()
... some code goes here ...
    Dim DNRnames() As String
    Dim MergedRange As Range
    Dim currentRng As Range
    Dim rngStr As Variant
    Dim strStringToExclude() As String

    ' Get created DNRs on this sheet
        strStringToExclude = Split("_Desc,Headers", ",")
        DNRnames = DNRGetNames(aWS.Name, False, strStringToExclude)

      ' Merge DNRs into 1 
        For Each rngStr In DNRnames
          ' Set currentRng = aWS.Names(CStr(rngStr)).RefersToRange
          Set currentRng = aWS.Range(CStr(rngStr)) ' also this way keeps it static
          If Not MergedRange Is Nothing Then
            Set MergedRange = Union(MergedRange, currentRng)
            Set MergedRange = currentRng
          End If
        Next rngStr

      ' Add "MergedRange" to the aWS : ISSUE : the MergeRange is NOT dynamic...
      ' as it would be if I would create it in the ws by a named_range=(range1,range2,..)
        aWS.Names.Add Name:=DNRprefix & "All", RefersTo:=MergedRange
end sub

GetDNR: return 将工作表中的命名范围作为字符串数组并排除一些我不想合并的选定命名范围(这是一种解决方法,因为我在 VBA)

中找到 "Union" 但没有 "Substract" 函数
Function DNRGetNames(sheetName As String, WbScope As Boolean, SuffixStringToExclude() As String) As String()  ' all DNR from one specific sheet (with wb scope or ws scope ?)

  ' kind of getter and setter
  Dim wb As Workbook
  Dim aWS As Worksheet
  Dim element As Name
  ReDim DNRArray(1 To 1) As String

  Set wb = ThisWorkbook
  Set aWS = wb.Sheets(sheetName)

  ' if SuffixStringToExclude is not defined, fill in the suffic string with a default fake data
  If Not Len(Join(SuffixStringToExclude)) > 0 Then
    SuffixStringToExclude = Split("*FaKe!")
  End If

  ' populate a dynamic array with DNR related to aWS
  For Each element In wb.Names
    If Not ArrayIsInString(element.Name, SuffixStringToExclude) Then '
      If IsNameRefertoSheet(aWS, element) Then
        DNRArray(UBound(DNRArray)) = element.Name
        ReDim Preserve DNRArray(1 To UBound(DNRArray) + 1) As String
      End If
    End If
  Next element

  ' clean exit
  If UBound(DNRArray) > 1 Then
    ReDim Preserve DNRArray(1 To UBound(DNRArray) - 1) As String
    DNRGetNames = DNRArray
    DNRGetNames = Empty
  End If

End Function

GetDNR 函数 返回的 DNR:

RefersTo 必须是 A1 style notation 字符串(例如 "=A1,B2"):

Set MergedRange = aWS.Range(Join(DNRnames, ","))
aWS.Names.Add DNRprefix & "All", "=" & MergedRange.Address

Range.Address 限制为 255 个字符,因此可能需要在合并范围之前创建它。


MergedRange.Name = DNRprefix & "All"