jmeter-maven-plugin :如何在执行 mvn verify 时下载 jmeter testplan 使用的所需插件

jmeter-maven-plugin : how to download required plugin used by jmeter testplan when execute mvn verify

我在测试计划中使用非默认线程 group/plugins,当 运行 mvn clean verify maven 生成错误

missing class com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException:
[INFO] ---- Debugging information ----
[INFO] cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException

但是在 maven 命令行控制台中我看到下载依赖项 = true

target\jmeter\lib\ext with downloadExtensionDependencies set to true ...
target\jmeter\lib\junit with downloadLibraryDependencies set to true
target\jmeter\lib with downloadLibraryDependencies set to true ...




  1. 我应该在 jmeter-maven-plugin 中添加什么才能下载所需的插件? (一般我们用jmeter plugin manager下载就UI)

如果您的测试依赖于 Custom Thread Groups,您将需要在 pom.xml 中添加几行以告知 JMeter Maven 插件下载并安装此插件,您的配置应如下所示:

