Why error Connection refused! Is selenium server started?
尝试 运行 关注此内容后的守夜人:https://github.com/dwyl/learn-nightwatch。这是我的配置文件:
//require('env2')('.env'); // optionally store youre Evironment Variables in .env
const seleniumServer = require("selenium-server");
//const chromedriver = require("chromedriver");
const SCREENSHOT_PATH = "./screenshots/";
// we use a nightwatch.conf.js file so we can include comments and helper functions
module.exports = {
"src_folders": [
"tests/"// Where you are storing your Nightwatch e2e tests
"output_folder": "./reports", // reports (test outcome) output by nightwatch
"selenium": {
"start_process": true, // tells nightwatch to start/stop the selenium process
"server_path": seleniumServer.path,
"host": "",
"port": 4444, // standard selenium port
"cli_args": {
"webdriver.chrome.driver": "./chromedriver.exe"
"test_settings": {
"default": {
"screenshots": {
"enabled": true, // if you want to keep screenshots
"path": './screenshots' // save screenshots here
"globals": {
"waitForConditionTimeout": 5000 // sometimes internet is slow so wait.
"desiredCapabilities": { // use Chrome as the default browser for tests
"browserName": "chrome"
"chrome": {
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"javascriptEnabled": true // turn off to test progressive enhancement
function padLeft(count) { // theregister.co.uk/2016/03/23/npm_left_pad_chaos/
return count < 10 ? '0' + count : count.toString();
var FILECOUNT = 0; // "global" screenshot file count
* The default is to save screenshots to the root of your project even though
* there is a screenshots path in the config object above! ... so we need a
* function that returns the correct path for storing our screenshots.
* While we're at it, we are adding some meta-data to the filename, specifically
* the Platform/Browser where the test was run and the test (file) name.
function imgpath(browser) {
var a = browser.options.desiredCapabilities;
var meta = [a.platform];
meta.push(a.browserName ? a.browserName : 'any');
meta.push(a.version ? a.version : 'any');
meta.push(a.name); // this is the test filename so always exists.
var metadata = meta.join('~').toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '');
return SCREENSHOT_PATH + metadata + '_' + padLeft(FILECOUNT++) + '_';
module.exports.imgpath = imgpath;
当我 运行 nightwatch --config conf.js 时,我得到这个错误:
Starting selenium server... started - PID: 6296
[Go] Test Suite
Running: Guinea Pig Assert Title
Error retrieving a new session from the selenium server
Connection refused! Is selenium server started?
{ value:
{ message: 'Unable to create new service: ChromeDriverService\nBuild info: version: \'3.8.1\', revision: \'6e95a6684b\', time: \'2017-12-01T19:05:32.194Z\'\nSystem info: host: \'S0026COW1983\', ip: \'\', os.name: \'Windows Server 2008 R2\', os.arch: \'x86\', os.version: \'6.1\', java.version: \'1.8.0_131\'\nDriver info: driver.version: unknown',
error: 'session not created' },
status: 33 }
这一行 "webdriver.chrome.driver": "chromedriver_Win32.zip"
指向 zip 文件,您需要解压缩内容并改为指向 exe
尝试 运行 关注此内容后的守夜人:https://github.com/dwyl/learn-nightwatch。这是我的配置文件:
//require('env2')('.env'); // optionally store youre Evironment Variables in .env
const seleniumServer = require("selenium-server");
//const chromedriver = require("chromedriver");
const SCREENSHOT_PATH = "./screenshots/";
// we use a nightwatch.conf.js file so we can include comments and helper functions
module.exports = {
"src_folders": [
"tests/"// Where you are storing your Nightwatch e2e tests
"output_folder": "./reports", // reports (test outcome) output by nightwatch
"selenium": {
"start_process": true, // tells nightwatch to start/stop the selenium process
"server_path": seleniumServer.path,
"host": "",
"port": 4444, // standard selenium port
"cli_args": {
"webdriver.chrome.driver": "./chromedriver.exe"
"test_settings": {
"default": {
"screenshots": {
"enabled": true, // if you want to keep screenshots
"path": './screenshots' // save screenshots here
"globals": {
"waitForConditionTimeout": 5000 // sometimes internet is slow so wait.
"desiredCapabilities": { // use Chrome as the default browser for tests
"browserName": "chrome"
"chrome": {
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"javascriptEnabled": true // turn off to test progressive enhancement
function padLeft(count) { // theregister.co.uk/2016/03/23/npm_left_pad_chaos/
return count < 10 ? '0' + count : count.toString();
var FILECOUNT = 0; // "global" screenshot file count
* The default is to save screenshots to the root of your project even though
* there is a screenshots path in the config object above! ... so we need a
* function that returns the correct path for storing our screenshots.
* While we're at it, we are adding some meta-data to the filename, specifically
* the Platform/Browser where the test was run and the test (file) name.
function imgpath(browser) {
var a = browser.options.desiredCapabilities;
var meta = [a.platform];
meta.push(a.browserName ? a.browserName : 'any');
meta.push(a.version ? a.version : 'any');
meta.push(a.name); // this is the test filename so always exists.
var metadata = meta.join('~').toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '');
return SCREENSHOT_PATH + metadata + '_' + padLeft(FILECOUNT++) + '_';
module.exports.imgpath = imgpath;
当我 运行 nightwatch --config conf.js 时,我得到这个错误:
Starting selenium server... started - PID: 6296
[Go] Test Suite
Running: Guinea Pig Assert Title
Error retrieving a new session from the selenium server
Connection refused! Is selenium server started?
{ value:
{ message: 'Unable to create new service: ChromeDriverService\nBuild info: version: \'3.8.1\', revision: \'6e95a6684b\', time: \'2017-12-01T19:05:32.194Z\'\nSystem info: host: \'S0026COW1983\', ip: \'\', os.name: \'Windows Server 2008 R2\', os.arch: \'x86\', os.version: \'6.1\', java.version: \'1.8.0_131\'\nDriver info: driver.version: unknown',
error: 'session not created' },
status: 33 }
这一行 "webdriver.chrome.driver": "chromedriver_Win32.zip"
指向 zip 文件,您需要解压缩内容并改为指向 exe