比较两组不相等的 class

Compare two sets of a class without equals


public class Something {
   public String a;
   public String b;

假设我无法在 class Something 中编写 equals 或 compare 方法。


Set<Something> aSet;
Set<Something> otherSet;

assertEquals(aSet, otherSet);//Fails because it only compares references of elements and does not perform a deep comparision field by field

是否有任何方法可以断言两个集合是否相等逐个比较元素(无需在 Something class 中编写 equals 方法)?

您可以使用 Hamcrest 库并执行

assertThat( aSet, both(everyItem(isIn(otherSet))).and(containsInAnyOrder(aSet)));

当我无法在遗留代码中实现 equals/hashCode 时,我遇到了类似的情况。

让我分享一个基于包装器模式的解决方案。您包装遗留 class 并在那里实施 equals/hashCode。在您的测试中,您创建一组包装对象并按常规方式对其进行测试。

public class SomethingTest {
    class SomethingWrapper {
        private final Something value;

        SomethingWrapper(Something value) {
            this.value = value;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;

            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

            SomethingWrapper that = (SomethingWrapper) o;

            return new EqualsBuilder()
                    .append(value.a, that.value.a)
                    .append(value.b, that.value.b)

        public int hashCode() {
            return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 37)

    public void compareSomethingSetsWithoutEquals() {
        final Set<Something> originalA = new HashSet<>();
        originalA.add(new Something("a1", "b1"));
        originalA.add(new Something("a2", "b2"));

        final Set<Something> originalB = new HashSet<>();
        originalB.add(new Something("a1", "b1"));
        originalB.add(new Something("a2", "b2"));

        final Set<SomethingWrapper> aWrappedSetA =

        final Set<SomethingWrapper> aWrappedSetB =

        assertEquals(aWrappedSetA, aWrappedSetB);

试试AssertJ,它提供了一种方法compare element field by field recursively,例子:

// the Dude class does not override equals
Dude jon = new Dude("Jon", 1.2);
Dude sam = new Dude("Sam", 1.3);
jon.friend = sam;
sam.friend = jon;

Dude jonClone = new Dude("Jon", 1.2);
Dude samClone = new Dude("Sam", 1.3);
jonClone.friend = samClone;
samClone.friend = jonClone;

assertThat(asList(jon, sam)).usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator()
                            .contains(jonClone, samClone);

另一种可能性是使用 specific element comparator 比较集合,因此 SomethingComparator 在您的情况下,这比第一个选项需要更多的工作,但您可以完全控制比较。
