在 shim 中调用原始方法 class

Calling original method in shim class

我想针对某些错误的网络行为测试存储库。我使用 MS Fakes 伪造了 class,它看起来像这样:

                .UpdateEngagementStringNullableOfInt64NullableOfInt32String = (xInst, xEngId, xTrimUri, xTargetVers, xComments) =>

                        if (xEngId != initializer.SeededEngagementsWithoutEmp[3].EngagementId)
                            return xInst.UpdateEngagement(xEngId, xTrimUri, xTargetVers, xComments); //Unfortunately, calls recursively same method (not the original one)
                            throw new Exception
                                        "An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.",
                                        new Exception
                                            "A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: Session Provider, error: 19 - Physical connection is not usable)"




更新:我真正想要实现的是在对此方法("if() ..." 语句)的特定调用上抛出异常,否则将调用转发给原始实例。

Fakes 框架正是为这种情况提供支持。您可以使用:

            .UpdateEngagementStringNullableOfInt64NullableOfInt32String = (xInst, xEngId, xTrimUri, xTargetVers, xComments) =>

                    if (xEngId != initializer.SeededEngagementsWithoutEmp[3].EngagementId)
                        return ShimsContext.ExecuteWithoutShims(() => xInst.UpdateEngagement(xEngId, xTrimUri, xTargetVers, xComments));
                        throw new Exception
                                    "An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.",
                                    new Exception
                                        "A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: Session Provider, error: 19 - Physical connection is not usable)"


ShimsContext.ExecuteWithoutShims 方法将在当前 shim 上下文之外执行 Func< T >(例如,没有导致无限循环的 shim 重定向)。

无限循环的原因是创建 ShimContext 会在运行时修改程序集。只要上下文处于活动状态,shimmed 方法的所有调用都会重定向到 shim class 上的静态方法。对于要正常执行的代码部分,您需要显式地跳出 shim 上下文。