How to make SVG gradient animation fluid instead of shocking?
我有一个 SVG,我想在其中设置渐变动画,以便颜色看起来动态。为此,我需要一个看起来大部分时间都在做某事的可重复动画。
这是我的 fiddle:https://codepen.io/basdvries/pen/JpXoOd
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="777" height="795" viewBox="0 0 777 795">
<radialGradient id="cloudradial-a" cx="0%" cy="0%" r="109.117%" fx="0%" fy="0%" gradientTransform="matrix(-.63364 -.76096 .74317 -.6488 0 0)">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#F06CA6"/>
<stop offset="61.832%" stop-color="#DC8BFF"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="#FF8D72"/>
<animate id="anim1" attributeName="r" begin="0;anim2.end" dur="2000ms" from="0%" to="100%" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<radialGradient id="cloudradial-c" cx="0%" cy="0%" r="109.117%" fx="0%" fy="0%" gradientTransform="matrix(-.63364 -.76096 .74317 -.6488 0 0)">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#F06CA6"/>
<stop offset="61.832%" stop-color="#DC8BFF"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="#FF8D72"/>
<animate id="anim2" attributeName="r" dur="200ms" begin="anim1.end" from="0%" to="100%" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<filter id="cloudradial" width="144.2%" height="145.3%" x="-22.1%" y="-22.6%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="43.94"/>
<path fill="url(#cloudradial-a)" fill-opacity=".45" stroke="#979797" stroke-width="1.35" d="M805.657915,689.505516 C852.226063,735.051611 978.113939,702.66067 1070.4988,689.505516 C1156.9714,677.192238 1164.21484,670.424935 1208.56625,689.505516 C1417.97128,779.594417 1356.62755,441.622549 1356.62755,366.157732 C1356.62755,219.157682 1224.61976,128 1077.83353,128 C974.605539,128 893.432513,139.313122 844.998833,232.603176 C824.561683,271.967992 763.933077,319.848065 788.872748,388.981412 C812.522966,454.540365 808.724453,478.962707 788.872748,522.206752 C753.584402,599.077269 759.089767,643.959421 805.657915,689.505516 Z" filter="url(#cloudradial-b)" transform="translate(-663 -23)"/>
Unfortunately, SMIL does not include a way to go back and forth between the start and end values like CSS animations allow us to do.
[As a workaround], you can set the animation to start from
a value, and end at the same value as well with to
, except that you specify what you would have set to be a final value, as an intermediate value between from
and to
The equivalent in SMIL is to use the values
attribute, (...)
因此,使用相同的 from
和 to
值, 添加 values
<animate attributeName="r" dur="2000ms" repeatCount="indefinite"
from="0%" to="0%" values="0%; 100%; 40%; 150%; 0%;" />
编辑: 实际上,在这种情况下不再需要 from
和 to
If a list of values is specified, any from, to and by attribute values are ignored.
我有一个 SVG,我想在其中设置渐变动画,以便颜色看起来动态。为此,我需要一个看起来大部分时间都在做某事的可重复动画。
但是,当尝试为我目前获得的动画制作动画时,它会自行重置而不是动画返回。从而创建一个丑陋的动画。 我该如何解决这个问题?
这是我的 fiddle:https://codepen.io/basdvries/pen/JpXoOd
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="777" height="795" viewBox="0 0 777 795">
<radialGradient id="cloudradial-a" cx="0%" cy="0%" r="109.117%" fx="0%" fy="0%" gradientTransform="matrix(-.63364 -.76096 .74317 -.6488 0 0)">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#F06CA6"/>
<stop offset="61.832%" stop-color="#DC8BFF"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="#FF8D72"/>
<animate id="anim1" attributeName="r" begin="0;anim2.end" dur="2000ms" from="0%" to="100%" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<radialGradient id="cloudradial-c" cx="0%" cy="0%" r="109.117%" fx="0%" fy="0%" gradientTransform="matrix(-.63364 -.76096 .74317 -.6488 0 0)">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#F06CA6"/>
<stop offset="61.832%" stop-color="#DC8BFF"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="#FF8D72"/>
<animate id="anim2" attributeName="r" dur="200ms" begin="anim1.end" from="0%" to="100%" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<filter id="cloudradial" width="144.2%" height="145.3%" x="-22.1%" y="-22.6%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="43.94"/>
<path fill="url(#cloudradial-a)" fill-opacity=".45" stroke="#979797" stroke-width="1.35" d="M805.657915,689.505516 C852.226063,735.051611 978.113939,702.66067 1070.4988,689.505516 C1156.9714,677.192238 1164.21484,670.424935 1208.56625,689.505516 C1417.97128,779.594417 1356.62755,441.622549 1356.62755,366.157732 C1356.62755,219.157682 1224.61976,128 1077.83353,128 C974.605539,128 893.432513,139.313122 844.998833,232.603176 C824.561683,271.967992 763.933077,319.848065 788.872748,388.981412 C812.522966,454.540365 808.724453,478.962707 788.872748,522.206752 C753.584402,599.077269 759.089767,643.959421 805.657915,689.505516 Z" filter="url(#cloudradial-b)" transform="translate(-663 -23)"/>
Unfortunately, SMIL does not include a way to go back and forth between the start and end values like CSS animations allow us to do.
[As a workaround], you can set the animation to startfrom
a value, and end at the same value as well withto
, except that you specify what you would have set to be a final value, as an intermediate value betweenfrom
The equivalent in SMIL is to use thevalues
attribute, (...)
因此,使用相同的 添加 from
和 to
<animate attributeName="r" dur="2000ms" repeatCount="indefinite"
from="0%" to="0%" values="0%; 100%; 40%; 150%; 0%;" />
编辑: 实际上,在这种情况下不再需要 from
和 to
If a list of values is specified, any from, to and by attribute values are ignored.