C++14 中的 RVO 和删除的移动构造函数

RVO and deleted move constructor in C++14

最近几天我一直在学习 (N)RVO。正如我在复制省略文章中阅读 cppreference 时,对于 C++14:

... the compilers are permitted, but not required to omit the copy- and move- (since C++11)construction of class objects even if the copy/move (since C++11) constructor and the destructor have observable side-effects. This is an optimization: even when it takes place and the copy-/move-constructor is not called, it still must be present and accessible (as if no optimization happened at all), otherwise the program is ill-formed.

因此,复制 移动构造函数必须存在且可访问。但是在下面的代码中:

#include <iostream>

class myClass
    myClass() { std::cout << "Constructor" << std::endl; }
    ~myClass() { std::cout << "Destructor" << std::endl; }

    myClass(myClass const&) { std::cout << "COPY constructor" << std::endl;}
    myClass(myClass &&) = delete;

myClass foo()
    return myClass{};

int main()
    myClass m = foo();
    return 0;

我收到以下错误:test.cpp: In function 'myClass foo()': test.cpp:15:17: error: use of deleted function 'myClass::myClass(myClass&&)' return myClass{};。即使我不从 main() 调用 foo(),我也会收到此错误。 NRVO 也有同样的问题。

因此总是需要移动构造函数,不是吗? (虽然没有副本,但我检查了它)



P.S。我知道在 C++17 标准中 RVO 是有义务的。但是 NRVO 不是,所以我想研究一下这里发生了什么,以了解我什么时候可以使用 NRVO。


Deleted functions

If, instead of a function body, the special syntax = delete ; is used, the function is defined as deleted.


If the function is overloaded, overload resolution takes place first, and the program is only ill-formed if the deleted function was selected.


如果删除显式 delete,则会选择复制构造函数并编译您的程序。