为什么 Wordpress 对 /wp-admin 使用 cookie 而对非管理员用户使用 /wp-content/plugins

Why does Wordpress use cookies for /wp-admin and /wp-content/plugins for non-admin users

以非管理员用户身份使用 Firefox 登录 Wordpress 网站后,设置了 3 个 cookie:

  1. wordpress_logged_in_...
  2. wordpress_sec_... 路径 /wp-admin
  3. wordpress_sec_... 路径 /wp-content/plugins

为什么非管理员用户需要 cookie 2-3?


All logged in users use resources from wp-admin and plugins, not just admins. The cookies are for keeping track of the logged in user’s authorization to access each resource. If a visitor does not log in, no cookies are set at all by default. Themes or plugins may do so though.