iOS 11 AVPlayer 在 KVO 时崩溃

iOS 11 AVPlayer crash when KVO

我在使用 AVPlayer 播放远程视频时发生奇怪的崩溃。从 Fabric 上的崩溃日志中,应用程序在系统线程上崩溃 (。崩溃日志如下:

0  libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x1839ac2e8 __pthread_kill + 8
1  libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x183ac12f8 pthread_kill$VARIANT$mp + 396
2  libsystem_c.dylib              0x18391afbc abort + 140
3  libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x1839e3ce4 szone_size + 634
4  QuartzCore                     0x187ed75e8 -[CALayer dealloc] + 72
5  QuartzCore                     0x187e75d90 CA::Transaction::commit() + 1052
6  AVFoundation                   0x18973b4a8 -[AVPlayerLayer observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:] + 684
7  Foundation                     0x1847a2894 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver + 304
8  Foundation                     0x1847bc364 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:] + 204
9  Foundation                     0x1847bc13c -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] + 124
10 AVFoundation                   0x189760714 -[AVPlayer addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] + 204
11 AVFoundation                   0x189890414 -[AVKVODispatcher startObservingValueAtKeyPath:ofObject:options:usingBlock:] + 136
12 AVFoundation                   0x18989189c -[AVKVODispatcher(LegacyCallbackMethod) startObservingObject:weakObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] + 152
13 AVFoundation                   0x18973aef4 -[AVPlayerLayer _startObservingPlayer:] + 328
14 libdispatch.dylib              0x183816a54 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
15 libdispatch.dylib              0x183816a14 _dispatch_client_callout + 16
16 libdispatch.dylib              0x18382096c _dispatch_queue_serial_drain$VARIANT$mp + 528
17 libdispatch.dylib              0x1838212fc _dispatch_queue_invoke$VARIANT$mp + 340
18 libdispatch.dylib              0x183821d20 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh$VARIANT$mp + 404
19 libdispatch.dylib              0x18382a03c _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread$VARIANT$mp + 644
20 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x183abef1c _pthread_wqthread + 932
21 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x183abeb6c start_wqthread + 4



从您的堆栈跟踪中,我注意到 AVPlayerLayer observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: 似乎是导致您出现问题的原因。因此,我相信您必须为 AVPlayer.

实施 KVO


  1. 使用新的 Key-Value-Observing iOS 11 API 你有 relaxed requirements,但是这些不必从观察中注销的要求仅适用于以下条件:

Relaxed Key-Value Observing Unregistration Requirements

• The object must be using KVO autonotifying, rather than manually calling -will and -didChangeValueForKey: (i.e. it should not return NO from +automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:).

• The object must not override the (private) accessors for internal KVO state.

请参阅 here 以了解在新 API 中使用旧 API addObserverremoveObserver 方法实现的这一点。请注意,该文档目前对新的 API 不是很有帮助,因为它仍然基于旧的 KVO 实现。但是,如您所见,取消注册会在 deinit.


AVFoundation 隐藏了 AVPlayer 对 KVO 支持的实现(这是一个私有框架),但这些宽松的要求很可能不适用于 AVPlayerThis Apple 在 2018 年的代码片段,使用 AVPlayer 和新的 KVO API,但仍然以 deinit 方法注销(证实 AVPlayer 没有满足新 API).


另一种解释是注销发生在deinit,但不一定在主线程中完成。这对 AVPlayer KVO 很重要。

  1. 这很重要的原因可以从 docs:
  2. 中找到

General State Observations: You should register and unregister for KVO change notifications on the main thread. This avoids the possibility of receiving a partial notification if a change is being made on another thread.

总而言之,如果使用新的 API 为 AVPlayer 实施 KVO,您需要在完成后显式 注销。此外,将您的注册和注销代码包装在 DispatchQueue.main.async { } 或类似变体中。
