我们如何检测 Riot.js 中 loop/render 的结尾?

How do we detect the end of a loop/render in Riot.js?

在Riot.js中,可以使用and if attribute/helper有条件地显示一个元素。 https://muut.com/riotjs/guide/#conditionals

我一直在努力做到这一点,但它似乎对我不起作用。这是一个代码笔。 http://codepen.io/geordee/pen/EjYgPq?editors=100

<!-- include riot.js -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/riot/2.0.14/riot+compiler.min.js"></script>

<script type="riot/tag">
      { item }

<!-- include the tag -->
<script type="riot/tag">
    <h3>{ opts.title }</h3>
    <p>total items: { opts.items.length }</p>
    <ul each={ item, i in opts.items }>
      <todo-item item={ item }></todo-item>

      <!-- these work -->
      <div if={ true }> item { i } </div>
      <div if={ false }> do not show this </div>

      <!-- conditional -->
      <div if={ i == (opts.items.length - 1) }>
        last item conditional
      <!-- ternary -->
      <div if={ i == opts.items.length - 1 ? true : false }>
        last item ternary
      <!-- variable -->
      <div if={ is_true }>
        last item variable
      <!-- function -->
      <div if={ end_of_list(opts.items, i) }>
        last item function

    <style scoped>
      :scope { display: block }
      h3 { font-size: 120% }

    this.is_true = true;

    this.end_of_list = function (items, i) {
      return ( i == items.length - 1 );

<!-- mount point -->

<!-- mount the tag -->
  riot.mount('todo', { title: 'My Todo', items: [ 'buy milk', 'send letter' ] });

您必须在循环内部使用 parent,因为范围已更改。


In the looped element everything but the each attribute belongs to the child context, so the title can be accessed directly and remove needs to be prefixed with parent. since the method is not a property of the looped item.


<div if={ ((parent.opts.items.length-1) == i) }>Hello :)</div>
