Winforms FlowLayoutPanel 使用自动调整控件删除不需要的空间

Winforms FlowLayoutPanel remove unneeded spaces with autosize controls

我有 FlowLayoutPanel

AutoScroll = True

FlowDirection = LeftToRight

WrapContents = True

添加的控件动态具有 相同的宽度,但 AutoSize 高度。所以面板会像 this, which has vertical spaces between items. As the height of row managed by the greatest height of controls. So I want to remove these unneeded spaces, and the final result will be like this.

如果没有办法用 FlowLayoutPanel 做到这一点,那么完美地做到这一点的正确想法是什么?

  1. 它是一个矩阵,应该像矩阵一样对待。
  2. 我的意见是 Panel 比这里的 FlowLayoutpanel 更合适。
  3. 请查看我的建议和输出以实现此类行为。


public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    // space beetween controls (top and right)
    public int MarginSpace = 8;
    // first element location
    public Point StartPoint = new Point(10, 10);
    private void Example()
        var fixesWidth = 70;
        List<Label> randomLables = new List<Label>();
        Random rand = new Random();
        // generate lables with random heights
        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
            Label lr = new Label();
            var randheight = rand.Next(60, 120);
            lr.Size = new Size(fixesWidth, randheight);
            lr.Text = i.ToString();
            lr.BackColor = Color.Black;
            lr.ForeColor = Color.White;

        // check how many elements in one "column" (possible also to add right+left margin)
        var cols = panel1.Width / fixesWidth;
        // create matrix object to get locations of each label
        MyMatrix m = new MyMatrix(cols, randomLables.Count, 15, 70, StartPoint);
        int counter = 0;
        // pupulate all lables with the points from MyMatrix object
        foreach (Point p in m.pointsMatrix)
            randomLables[counter].Location = p;
class MyMatrix
    private int Rows;
    private int TotalElements;
    private int Cols;
    private int Margin;
    private int ElementWidth;
    private Point StartPoint;
    public MyMatrix(int cols, int totalelements, int margin, int elementwidth, Point startingpoint)
        this.Cols = cols;
        this.TotalElements = totalelements;
        this.Margin = margin;
        this.ElementWidth = elementwidth;
        this.StartPoint = startingpoint;

        // calculate number of rows
        Rows = totalelements / cols;

    public List<Point> pointsMatrix = new List<Point>();
    int cellCounter = 0;
    public void SetMatrix(List<Label> Labels)
        for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < Cols; j++)

                var x = StartPoint.X + j * (Margin + ElementWidth);
                var y = StartPoint.Y;
                if (cellCounter >= Cols)
                    // find the parallel cell in the row above
                    y = pointsMatrix[cellCounter - Cols].Y + Labels[cellCounter - Cols].Height + Margin;
                    // do nothing it is first row

                Point p = new Point(x, y);
                cellCounter += 1;
