球拍:操纵 jpeg 文件

racket: manipulating jpeg files

我正在尝试在 racket lang 中操作 jpeg 文件。我没能找到任何具有良好跨平台支持的球拍库(linux、mac osx、win10)。存在吗?

我要执行的操作是读取 exif、缩放图像并将其存储到数据库。

several external libraries that you can use to do image (and video) manipulation. However Racket actually comes bundled with a good amount of image manipulation tools (that work on jpg, png, bitmap, etc.). Most notably the pict library and the racket/draw library. I highly recommend you use those for most standard image manipulation tasks (e.g. scaling, transformations, etc.). You can even use the sql 库(它也带有 Racket,用于将文件存储到数据库。

如果你想使用racket/draw class,你可以创建一个bitmap% object which allows you to save to and load from files. You can also use a bitmap-dc%来做基本的绘图操作。

pict 库是一个很好的图像处理功能 API。您可以使用 bitmap 函数从文件中获取位图,以及将 bitmap% 对象转换为 pict 对象。 pict->bitmap 函数可以让你走另一条路,将 pict 对象转换为 bitmap.