如何排除对象 属性

How to exclude object property

我使用 Orika 映射器来映射两个 bean。我想在映射时排除 billingSummary.billableItems 属性。我正在尝试以下选项,但它不起作用。


public class Cart {
       private String id;
       private String name;
       private BillingSummary billingSummary;
       private String address;
       //with getter and setter methods

   public class BillingSummary {
       private String billingItem;
       private String billingItemId;
       private BillableItems billableItems;
       // with getter setter methods

   //FilteredCart is same as Cart.

 public class FilteredCart { 
        private String id;
        private String name;
        private BillingSummary billingSummary;
        private String address;
        //with getter and setter methods

public class CartMapper extends ConfigurableMapper {
        public void configure(MapperFactory mapperFactory) {

您可以做的是向 mapperFactory 添加另一个映射,以定义您希望如何将 BillingSummary 映射到自身。这样,从Cart映射到FilteredCart时,可以配置排除映射billableItems.

因此,您的 CartMapper 将如下所示:

public class CartMapper extends ConfigurableMapper {

    public void configure(MapperFactory mapperFactory) {
        mapperFactory.classMap(BillingSummary.class, BillingSummary.class).exclude("billableItems").byDefault().register();