DBPedia 查询以从 dbpedia 中存在的所有智能手机中提取所有属性

DBPedia query to extract all attributes from all the smartphones present in dbpedia

是否可以进行查询以从 DBPedia 中存在的所有智能手机中提取所有属性?

这取决于您究竟需要什么。你基本上需要接受 "all x with type smartphone" 然后你需要得到关于 x.

select distinct * where {
 ?phone dbpedia-owl:type|dbpprop:type dbpedia:Smartphone.
 ?phone ?x ?y


select distinct * where {
     ?phone dbpedia-owl:type|dbpprop:type dbpedia:Smartphone.
     ?phone dbpprop:cpu ?cpu.

因为如果你看Iphone 5, you will see that there is a CPU property defined. However, for brands it becomes more difficult. Some of the phone have developer defined (look at Iphone 3G),但是其他的比如iPhone5有品牌,或者有的有manufacturer,有的可能有none。所以基本上你需要决定你要找的是哪一个:

select distinct * where {
     ?phone dbpedia-owl:type|dbpprop:type dbpedia:Smartphone.
     ?phone dbpprop:cpu ?cpu.
     optional { ?phone dbpprop:manufacturer ?developer. }