
difference between data conversion and derived column in ssis?

我正在学习 SSIS 以满足新要求。我遇到了这两个转换——数据转换和派生列。但是我们可以转换派生列本身的数据类型。那么微软添加这个 'data Conversion' 转换的需求是什么?我在 google 中搜索但没有得到正确的答案。


The purpose of Data conversion is to do just data conversion.

While Derived column task is used for most of the transformations. To achieve this, data conversion is also put in as a part of it. If you are just intending to do data conversion and no other transform, for simplicity and readability of the package.

Data conversion gives a simple UI to the end user for full filling the requirement of changing the data type of incoming columns.

Derived columns also can help us to achieve data conversion but there we have to explicitly write a code to type cast that.

举个例子:您可以使用 Excel 源或 OLE DB 源读取数据流中的 Excel 文件。并不意味着 Excel 来源不应该存在。使用起来更方便。

来源:Code project