在 C 中读取文件

Read files in C

谁能告诉我,我们如何使用 c 读取文件的特定部分。

我有一个 1000 个字符的文件,我想分段阅读它,例如:首先是 0 到 100 个字符,然后是 101 到 200 个字符,依此类推。我试过 fread() 和 fseek() 但做不到。

我想要类似指针的东西,从文件开头开始读取 100 个字符,然后移动到 101 位置,然后再次读取 100 个字符,依此类推。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(void)
    int fd;
    char line[101] = {0};
    ssize_t readVal;
    int ret;

    /* open the file in question */
    fd = open("tmpp", O_RDONLY);
    if ( fd < 0 )

    /* read the first 100bytes (0-99)*/
    readVal = read(fd, line, 100); 
    printf("Retrieved first %zu bytes:\n %s\n\n", readVal, line);

    /* read the next 100bytes (100-199)*/
    readVal = read(fd, line, 100); 
    printf("Retrieved second %zu bytes:\n %s\n\n", readVal, line);

    /* jump to location 300, i.e. skip over 100 bytes */
    ret = lseek(fd, 300, SEEK_SET);
    if ( ret < 0 ) {
        close( fd );
        return -1;

    /* read next 100bytes (300-399) */
    readVal = read(fd, line, 100); 
    printf("Retrieved third %zu bytes - at location 300:\n %s\n\n", readVal, line);

    /* close the file descriptor */
