Erlang/OTP 应用程序的头文件位置

Header files location for an Erlang/OTP application

我应该将 Erlang/OTP 应用程序的 .hrl 头文件放在 /src/include 目录中吗?


  • src - Required. Contains the Erlang source code, the source of the .app file and internal include files used by the application itself. [...]
  • include - Optional. Used for public include files that must be reachable from other applications.


Use Case 1: Your project has -defined constants, parse transforms, etc. which are required for others to use your code. Examples include qlc or webmachine.

Solution: Put your .hrl files in /include. As long as your project is on the code path then clients of your code can use -include_lib() to load the .hrl files.

Use Case 2: You've centralised common constants, etc. in a .hrl file. These constants are intended to be used internally by your project code. This means at no time will any client need access to them.

Solution: Put your .hrl files in /src. Your code can use -include() to pull in the .hrl files.

Keep in mind that both include directives are compile-time constructs. You can put all of your header files in /src, compile your code using -include(), and then selectively "export" the header files you want to publish by copying them into /include. I do this a lot since it makes my compile process easier -- no code path to futz with -- and it makes my client code cleaner -- they can use -include_lib() to find my public header files.
