XSD 1.1 替代测试text()的内容

XSD 1.1 alternative test the contents of text()


<xs:element name="width">
  <!-- If the value is auto, then it can have min/max attribs -->
  <xs:alternative test="text() eq auto" type="heightWidthAutoType" />
  <!-- Otherwise it is treated as a normal positionType -->
  <xs:alternative type="positionType" />


<width min='100' max='100'>auto</width>



无论我为标签的内容输入什么,它总是选择默认值。我假设 text() 在替代方案中无效,但我似乎找不到这样说的文档。

W3 Reference


1 An instance of the [XDM] data model is constructed as follows:
1.1 An information set is constructed by copying the base information set
    properties (and not any of the properties specific to ·post-schema-
    validation infoset·) of the following information items:
1.1.1 E itself.
1.1.2 E's [attributes] (but not its [children]).




<xs:element name="width" type="heightWidthType" />
<xs:element name="height" type="heightWidthType" />

<xs:complexType name="heightWidthType">
        <xs:extension base="positionType">
            <!-- These are actually only valid if the value of the element is auto -->
            <xs:attribute name="min" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
            <xs:attribute name="max" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
            <xs:assert test="not((@min or @max)) or ((@min or @max) and $value eq 'auto')" />

<xs:simpleType name="positionType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <!--  If an "r" is included (eg 180r) then the measurement is taken from the parent's right edge (in the left direction). -->
        <xs:pattern value="-?\d+(\.\d+)?(r|%)?" />
        <xs:pattern value="auto" />