在 where 子句中使用 case when 语句时如何使用 in 子句?

How do I use in clause while using case when statement in where clause?

如何在 case when 语句的 else 块中使用 in 子句,在 where 子句中,例如:

    select * 
    from dummy_table dt 
    where dt.some_column_1 in 
    (case when 
          dt.some_column_2 in (9,10) then dt.some_column_3
          else (dt.some_column_4,dt.some_column_5)


  FROM dummy_table dt
 WHERE ( dt.some_column_2 IN ( 9, 10 )
         AND dt.some_column_1 = dt.some_column_3 )
    OR ( dt.some_column_2 NOT IN ( 9, 10 )
         AND dt.some_column_1 IN ( dt.some_column_4, dt.some_column_5 ) ); 

在第二部分用NOT IN更新

IN 子句只能采用 (a) expression list 或 (b) select 返回一组行的语句。您的查询在括号内为它提供了一个 CASE 语句。


select *
from dummy_table dt
where dt.some_column_1 in 
(select dt.some_column_3 from dual where dt.some_column_2 in (9,10)
union select dt.some_column_4 from dual where dt.some_column_2 not in (9,10)
union select dt.some_column_5 from dual where dt.some_column_2 not in (9,10));

select *
from dummy_table dt
where dt.some_column_1 in 
(case when dt.some_column_2 in (9,10) then dt.some_column_3 else null end,
 case when dt.some_column_2 not in (9,10) then dt.some_column_4 else null end,
 case when dt.some_column_2 not in (9,10) then dt.some_column_5 else null end)

select *
from dummy_table dt
where (dt.some_column_2 in (9,10) and dt.some_column_1 = dt.some_column_3)
   or (dt.some_column_2 not in (9,10) and dt.some_column_1 in (dt.some_column_4, dt.some_column_5))


  FROM dummy_table dt
 WHERE ( dt.some_column_2 IN ( 9, 10 )
         AND dt.some_column_1 = dt.some_column_3 )
    OR ( dt.some_column_2 NOTIN ( 9, 10 ) AND dt.some_column_1 IN ( dt.some_column_4, dt.some_column_5 );