为什么 EF 在保存具有相关对象列表(1 到多个)的对象时尝试将 List<Type> 转换为 Type?

Why EF tries to convert List<Type> to Type when saving an object with a list of related objects (1 to many)?

当我尝试通过调用 context.Consumption.Add(myConsumption) 然后 context.SaveChanges() 来保存 Consumption 对象时,我得到一个 System.InvalidCastException。我不知道为什么 EF 要将 List<Payment> 转换为 Payment,因为 Consumption 的 Payments 属性 是 List<Payment>.

    public class Consumption {
       public int Id { get; set; }
       public virtual List<Payment> Payments { get; set; }

    public class Payment {
       public Consumption Consumption { get; set; }



public class Consumption 
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public virtual List<Payment> Payments { get; set; }

public class Payment {
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public Consumption Consumption { get; set; }
   public int ConsumptionId { get; set; }

EF 足够聪明,可以根据命名约定找出关系和数据库脚手架

但是,如果您需要使用注释,则需要决定如何向 EF 告知您的关系

public class Payment {
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public Consumption Consumption { get; set; }
   [ForeignKey("Consumption")] // point to the FK to the navigation property
   public int ConsumptionId { get; set; }

public class Payment {
   public int Id { get; set; }
   [ForeignKey("ConsumptionId")] // point to the navigation property to the FK
   public Consumption Consumption { get; set; }
   public int ConsumptionId { get; set; }

public class Consumption 
   public int Id { get; set; }
   [ForeignKey("ConsumptionId")]  // Point to the dependent FK
   public virtual List<Payment> Payments { get; set; }

我怀疑在你的数据库中(这应该很容易检查)你的 Consumption table 中只有一个单数 foreign key for payment

您似乎指向付款 table 的 Primary key。不管怎样,让我感到惊讶的是 EF 甚至允许您进行此迁移(如果我没看错的话)