防止 HAML 在生成的 HTML 文件中呈现换行符

Prevent HAML from rendering newline in produced HTML file

我有这个 HAML 代码:

    This page is for our staff. If you came here by mistake,
    %a(href="index.html") you can go back

孤立的 \. 在那里是因为我不希望句号 (.) 成为 link.


这几乎可以工作,但是 back. 之间有一个 space;自然地,HAML 在 HTML 渲染文件的 HAML 源代码中插入换行符。


    This page is for our staff. If you came here by mistake,
    <a href="index.html">you can go back</a>
    . <!-- I want the period to be on the previous line -->

因为 <p> 标签内的单词被 space 分隔,所以 back. 之间有一个 space。我怎样才能删除这个 space?


    This page is for our staff. If you came here by mistake,
    %a(href="index.html") you can go back


HAML 接受纯文本 html,因此您可以编写:

    This page is for our staff. If you came here by mistake,
    <a href="index.html">you can go back</a>.


您也可以为此使用 succeed 助手,尽管它读起来有点滑稽:

= succeed '.' do 
  %a(href="index.html") you can go back


<a href="index.html">you can go back</a>.\n


  This page is for our staff. If you came here by mistake,
  = succeed "." do 
    %a(href="index.html") you can go back


This page is for our staff. If you came here by mistake,
<a href='index.html'>you can go back</a>.