是否有可能从 AppVeyor 失败的工作中获取工件?

Is it possible to get artifact from AppVeyor failed job?

我正在尝试使用 AppVeyor,因为我的 CI 用于测试 M2Crypto and currently whole build process fails. Unfortunately, the main C file of the project SWIG/_m2crypto_wrap.c is generated by SWIG. For analysis of the issues with build I would need to see this generated C file. However, it seems to me that artefacts (defined in my appveyor.yml) 的构建只有在构建成功后才可用。是否可以允许从失败的构建中访问这些人工制品?

可以推送神器from script and set this script at on_finish or on_failure stage of build pipeline