在 SUMO 场景中将网络划分为小蜂窝网格

dividing a network into a grid of small cells in a SUMO scenario

有没有办法将现有的道路网络划分为大小相等的二维网格? 我需要提取一些信息,例如车辆密度、平均速度等。来自每个单元格。

是否有任何库、工具、API 或教程? 我是 SUMO 的新手,所以任何帮助将不胜感激。

最简单的方法可能是生成一个 fcd output (sumo --fcd-output) which gives coordinates for every vehicle and then aggregate the values in a simple script. Depending on the precision needed and the data volume you expect, you can also aggregate the output to edges (and to time intervals) in SUMO using the mean data output but then you will need to handle the case of edges which are in multiple cells yourself. There is some help in parsing a sumo network and sumo outputs in sumolib