有没有办法强制 VB.Net 匿名类型的 属性 类型?

Is there a way to force the type of a property of a VB.Net anonymous type?


Dim anonType = New With {.Property1 = 10, .Property2 A​​s Decimal? = Nothing}


Private Sub test()
    Dim tempDecimal? As Decimal = Nothing
    Dim anonType = New With {.Property1 = 10, .Property2 = tempDecimal}
    ' property value is nothing here, but if tempDecimal isnt declared as nullable,
    'the value will be 0
    anonType.property2 = Nothing 
    anonType.property2 = 5
    'tp will be Decimal here
    Dim tp As Type = anonType.property2.GetType
End Sub