python exchangelib 如何获取特定日期范围内的邮件?

python exchangelib how to get email within specific date range?

尝试使用过滤器功能,但似乎只适用于日历,请问您是否有电子邮件示例? 谢谢大家

您需要过滤消息项上可用的日期时间字段。 Message.FIELDS 包含 Message class 上的所有可用字段。您可以列出所有日期时间字段,例如:

>>> [ for f in Message.FIELDS if f.value_cls == EWSDateTime]
['datetime_received', 'datetime_sent', 'datetime_created', 'reminder_due_by', 'last_modified_time']

README 显示了使用 .filter(start__range(x, y)) 的示例,但 start 字段仅在 CalendarItem 对象上可用。相反,使用例如datetime_received 过滤 Message 个对象:

tz = EWSTimeZone.localzone()
emails_from_2017 = account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__range=(
    tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2017, 1, 1)),
    tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2018, 1, 1))
pytz_tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Copenhagen') #setting the timezone

py_dt = pytz_tz.localize(datetime(year,month,day)) #building the custom date filter with a timezone object

ews_bfr = EWSDateTime.from_datetime(py_dt) #converting the custom date timezone object to a EWS (Exchange Web Service) date object

for item in account.inbox.all().order_by('-datetime_received')[:10000]: #look into the inbox the first 10K emails order desc by date received
    if item.datetime_received < ews_bfr: #if the mail if older than the custom date in the EWS format then apply rule
        item.delete() #delete all filtered emails
        print("Mail deleted Successfully")