在元素的 class 名称中有(方)括号的原因是什么?

What is the reason to have (square) brackets in an element's class name?

我对 bootstrap 3 模板中的这个语句 class="[ col-xs-12 col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-5 ]" 感到非常惊讶,我不确定

class="[ col-xs-12 col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-5 ]"   

class="col-xs-12 col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-5"


这无非是在视觉上将 class 分开,目的是将它们分组。


class 属性中允许使用方括号,只要方括号与 class 本身之间有空格,方括号在技术上是有效的。

有关此技术的其他信息可以在 csswizardy 上找到,为了后人,这里摘录了一段解释他如何使用它的内容:

How it works

There is no hard and fast rule as to how and when to begin grouping your classes, but the guidelines I’ve set for myself are:

There must be more than one ‘set’ of classes. One ‘set’ must contain more than one class. This basically just ringfences any groups that need it, for example:

<!-- Only one set. Nothing needs grouping. -->
<div class="foo  foo--bar">

<!-- Two sets, but only one class in each. Nothing needs grouping. -->
<div class="foo  bar">

<!-- Two sets, one of which contains more than one class. This set needs grouping. -->
<div class="[ foo  foo--bar ]  baz">

<!-- Two sets, both of which contain more than one class. These sets needs grouping. -->
<div class="[ foo  foo--bar ]  [ baz  baz--foo ]">

How you group them can be entirely your choice, the concept here just deals with the fact that we’re grouping things at all.


根据:Which characters are valid in CSS class names/selectors?

~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) + = , . / ' ; : " ? > < [ ] \ { } | ` #

仅作为 class 选择器 无效,但仅在 class 属性中使用它才有效 .如果你仍然想为你的 class 选择器添加上面的字符之一,你需要使用 \ 来转义它,这看起来有点像:\[ 代表字符 [ .

我真的很喜欢 的答案,也比我更喜欢 - 可读性的想法仍然相同,但有更多详细信息,以及如何使用的参考。