并发send/receive 去频道

Concurrent send/receive go channel

我有一个名为 queue 的通道,假设缓冲区大小为 100。许多go例程可以向这个通道发送数据,另一个go例程坐在那里从这个通道接收数据。这是一个持久的过程,这意味着通道就像一条管道,从多端吸收数据并将数据下沉到一端。我在接收 go 例程中做了这样的事情:

for {
    for data := range queue {


你只需要一个 for 循环。来自 spec on range expressions:

For channels, the iteration values produced are the successive values sent on the channel until the channel is closed. If the channel is nil, the range expression blocks forever.


for data := range queue {

正如 所说,您只需要一个 for,因为 range 将从通道中发出值,直到它关闭。

总体而言,您描述的模式称为 fan-in. A example for a basic producer/consumer setup can be found here: http://play.golang.org/p/AhQ012Qpwj。范围循环在消费者中运行:

// consumer acts as fan in, signals when it is done.
func consumer(out chan string, done chan bool) {
    for value := range out {
    done <- true