无法使用 kubectl 使用 kubernetes 拉 public 个图像

unable to pull public images with kubernetes using kubectl

我 运行 以下命令,当我检查 pods 是否 运行ning 时,我收到以下错误:

Failed to pull image "tomcat": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries

kubectl run tomcat --image=tomcat --port 8080

Failed to pull image "ngnix": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for ngnix, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'

kubectl run nginx3 --image ngnix --port 80

我在 git 中看到 post 关于如何在私人回购导致问题而不是 public 时完成此操作。有人 运行 以前参与过这个吗?


来自 github issue

Sometimes, we'll have non-amd64 image build jobs finish before their amd64 counterparts, and due to the way we push the manifest list objects to the library namespace on the Docker Hub, that results in amd64-using folks (our primary target users) getting errors of the form "no supported platform found in manifest list" or "no matching manifest for XXX in the manifest list entries"

Docker 集线器清单列表不是最新的 amd64 build for tomcat:latest.


kubectl run tomcat --image=tomcat:9.0 --port 8080


使用 nginx 而不是 ngnix打错了

$ kubectl run nginx3 --image nginx --port 80