
Slot synonyms not working as expected

我正在尝试通过在 Alexa 技能中使用插槽同义词来处理实体解析。我从 Amazon 提供的问答游戏模板开始学习技能,其中包含城市名称、州缩写和首府的数据数组。我将其修改为使用 NFL 球队名称。在测验交互期间,例如,可能会询问用户 "What NFL football team plays in Philadelphia?"。用户可以回答 "Eagles" 或 "Philadelphia Eagles",这两者都应该可以接受以获得正确的分数。短语 "Philadelphia Eagles" 在我的 lambda 函数内的数据数组中定义。在交互模型中,在我的 AnswerIntent 中,我有一个定义为 TeamName 的插槽。我尝试在同义词中为 "Philadelphia Eagles" 和 "Eagles" 添加值。我使用 BIRDS 作为同义词 ID,使用 Eagles 作为值,使用 Philadelphia Eagles 作为同义词值。但是当我用 "Eagles" 回答问题时,我得到了错误的答案。


这是我在 Lambda 中的 AnswerIntent 函数:

"AnswerIntent": function() {
    let response = "";
    let speechOutput = "";
    let item = this.attributes["quizitem"];
    let property = this.attributes["quizproperty"];

    let correct = compareSlots(this.event.request.intent.slots, item[property]);

    if (correct)
        response = getSpeechCon(true);
        response = getSpeechCon(false);

    response += getAnswer(property, item);

    if (this.attributes["counter"] < 10)
        response += getCurrentScore(this.attributes["quizscore"], this.attributes["counter"]);
        this.attributes["response"] = response;
        response += getFinalScore(this.attributes["quizscore"], this.attributes["counter"]);
        speechOutput = response + " " + EXIT_SKILL_MESSAGE;


这是 compareSlot 函数:

function compareSlots(slots, value)

for (let slot in slots)
    if (slots[slot].value != undefined)
        if (slots[slot].value.toString().toLowerCase() == value.toString().toLowerCase())
            return true;
return false;

更新:compareSlots 函数已修改为:

    function compareSlots(slots, value)
    let slotId = slot.value; // fallback if you don't have resolutions
    let resolution = (slot.resolutions && slot.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority && slot.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority.length > 0) ? slot.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0] : null;

    if (resolution && resolution.status.code === 'ER_SUCCESS_MATCH') {

        if (resolution.values && resolution.values.length > 0) {
             slotId = resolution.values[0].value.id;

    if (slotId.toString().toLowerCase() == value.toString().toLowerCase()) {
        return true;

如果你想使用同义词,你必须使用 entity resolutions。那里有几个同义词的一个 ID,您可以检查。

因此,您的 compareSlots 函数应该如下所示:

let slotId = slot.value; // fallback if you don't have resolutions
let resolution = (slot.resolutions && slot.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority && slot.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority.length > 0) ? slot.resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0] : null;

if (resolution && resolution.status.code === 'ER_SUCCESS_MATCH') {

    if (resolution.values && resolution.values.length > 0) {
         slotId = resolution.values[0].value.id;

if (slotId.toString().toLowerCase() == value.toString().toLowerCase()) {