结合控制器中的常用功能 AngularJS

Combining common function in controllers AngularJS

我正在处理这个项目。我正在使用分页、checkAll、deleteAll 等所有控制器之间通用的功能。我希望将代码移至工厂或服务,以便可以用于所有控制器。我试过但不清楚是否完美。我要提示。 我知道创建工厂或服务,以及如何将它集成到控制器中,但有点混淆了移动类似代码的逻辑。


$scope.bigCurrentPage = 1;
$scope.editIndex = "";

var sortKey = "name";
var sortDirection = "ASC";
$scope.filterObj = {order: [sortKey + " " + sortDirection], limit: CONFIG.limit, offset: 0};
$scope.filterObj.offset = ($scope.bigCurrentPage - 1) * CONFIG.limit;

$scope.sortList = function (inputSort) {
    if (sortKey === inputSort) {
        sortDirection = (sortDirection === "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC";
    } else {
        sortKey = inputSort;
    $scope.filterObj.order = [sortKey + " " + sortDirection];

$scope.getSongs = function () {
    $scope.filterObj.offset = ($scope.bigCurrentPage - 1) * CONFIG.limit;
    Song.find({filter: $scope.filterObj})
            .then(function (data) {
                $scope.items = data;
                $scope.maxSize = 5;
                $scope.size = $scope.filterObj.limit;
                $scope.countingIndex = ($scope.bigCurrentPage - 1) * $scope.filterObj.limit; //Its idea to implement counting. Variable is not part of pagination..////     

$scope.pageChanged = function () {


这样,假设我正在为 Albums 执行此操作并且我会将 sortKey 更改为 'id',将使用 'Album.find' 的服务,将更改 'filter' 对象并且我完成了,但事实是我在所有控制器中使用通用代码。怎么写比较好

你确实有很多属性很难在服务中维护,所以我建议你应该使用控制器而不是服务,(或者将可重用的变量放在服务中,这会使代码更有意义)。下面是创建的控制器,可以使用 $controller 依赖项在任何其他控制器中注入。


app.controller('commonCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.bigCurrentPage = 1;
    $scope.editIndex = "";

    var sortKey = "name";
    var sortDirection = "ASC";
    $scope.filterObj = {
        order: [sortKey + " " + sortDirection],
        limit: CONFIG.limit,
        offset: 0
    $scope.filterObj.offset = ($scope.bigCurrentPage - 1) * CONFIG.limit;

    $scope.sortList = function(inputSort) {
        if (sortKey === inputSort) {
            sortDirection = (sortDirection === "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC";
        } else {
            sortKey = inputSort;
        $scope.filterObj.order = [sortKey + " " + sortDirection];

    $scope.getSongs = function() {
        $scope.filterObj.offset = ($scope.bigCurrentPage - 1) * CONFIG.limit;
                filter: $scope.filterObj
            .then(function(data) {
                $scope.items = data;
                $scope.maxSize = 5;
                $scope.size = $scope.filterObj.limit;
                $scope.countingIndex = ($scope.bigCurrentPage - 1) * $scope.filterObj.limit; //Its idea to implement counting. Variable is not part of pagination..////     

    $scope.pageChanged = function() {


您可以使用 $controller 依赖项将此创建的 commonCtrl 注入到任何其他控制器,commonCtrl 将其范围共享到注入它的控制器。但是在 commonCtrl 中从 controllerA 所做的更改在 controllerB 中将不可用,因为 commonCtrl 将其范围的副本提供给注入它的控制器。


app.controller('controllerA', function($scope, $controller){
   $controller('commonCtrl', {$scope: $scope}); //inject commonCtrl scope to current scope
   //common scope will be available from here


If you want changes to be reflected in other controller you could use service with this controller which would share common properties to different controllers.