带指针的 C 函数在一台计算机上工作,在另一台计算机上不起作用

C function with pointers work on one computer, and doesn't work on another

#include <stdio.h>
void swap (int *a, int *b)
    int *tmp;
    *tmp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = *tmp;

int main ()
 int x = 5;
 int y = 7;
 swap (&x,&y);
 printf ("\n x = %d \n y = %d \n",x,y);

我正在使用 codeblocks,但这段代码无法运行,我不明白为什么...在一台计算机上它运行良好,但在另一台计算机上它根本无法运行 运行 . 有什么帮助吗? 提前致谢。

int tmp;
tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;

您需要的是一个变量 tmp 来存储值,而不是指针 *tmp


int *tmp = malloc(sizeof(int));

    *tmp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = *tmp; 



Gopi 已经更正了您的代码 - 添加到以前的答案 - 我认为这对新手来说是很好的信息:

第 4.1 节指出:

An lvalue (3.10) of a non-function, non-array type T can be converted to an rvalue. If T is an incomplete type, a program that necessitates this conversion is ill-formed. If the object to which the lvalue refers is not an object of type T and is not an object of a type derived from T, or if the object is uninitialized, a program that necessitates this conversion has undefined behavior. If T is a non-class type, the type of the rvalue is the cv-unqualified version of T. Otherwise, the type of the rvalue is T.


来自维基Making pointers safer

A pointer which does not have any address assigned to it is called a wild pointer. Any attempt to use such uninitialized pointers can cause unexpected behavior, either because the initial value is not a valid address, or because using it may damage other parts of the program. The result is often a segmentation fault, storage violation or wild branch (if used as a function pointer or branch address).


int *tmp;
*tmp = *a;

是你创建了一个指向 int 的指针,它没有指向任何东西 - 基本上它包含一些垃圾值(甚至可能是你的密码 - 谁知道)。


void swap(int *a, int *b)
    int tmp[1];

    *tmp = *a;
    *a   = *b;
    *b   = *tmp;


void swap(int *a, int *b)
    int value = *a;
    int *tmp  = &value;

    *tmp = *a;
    *a   = *b;
    *b   = *tmp;

或者你可以使用 malloc 正如 Gopi 已经指出的那样。


此外,您应该在 main() 函数的末尾添加 return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void swap (int *a, int *b)
        int *tmp = malloc(sizeof(*tmp));
        *tmp = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = *tmp;

int main ()
        int x = 5;
        int y = 7;
        swap (&x,&y);
        printf ("\n x = %d \n y = %d \n",x,y);
        return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

void swap (int ** ppx, int ** ppy)
   int * p = *ppx;
   *ppx = *ppy;
   *ppy = p;

int main (void)
  int x = 5;
  int y = 7;
  int * px = &x;
  int * py = &y;

  printf ("\nx = %d\ny = %d\n", *px, *py);

  swap (&px, &py);

  printf ("\nx = %d\ny = %d\n", *px, *py);

  return 0;


x = 5
y = 7

x = 7
y = 5