使用 Google 课堂 API,是否可以在不上交的情况下更改成绩?

Using the Google Classroom API, is it possible to change a grade without a turn in?

我想在 Google 教室的成绩册中创建一个作业,然后自动给它评分(没有学生上交作业)。


要使用 PATCH 端点给作业评分,您必须有一个提交 ID。 https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork.studentSubmissions/patch . And at first glance, you wouldn't have a submission id if the student hasn't submitted anything. However, the previous Whosebug link shows that this may be possible. They appear to get it from the submissions list. https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork.studentSubmissions/list。但是,如果是这种情况,那么提交列表将需要包括尚未提交作业的学生的提交 ID。


即使对于尚未提交作业的学生,​​提交列表也包含提交 ID。