AWS Cognito 中的用户需要 MFA 时的身份验证流程

Flow for authentication when MFA required for user in AWS Cognito

我正在尝试将用于用户身份验证的 MFA 添加到 AWS Cognito 中用于设备管理的现有解决方案(内置于 Angular)。


参见 Use Case 23. 示例实现,我的如下:

authenticate(username: string, password: string): Observable<any> {

    // init cognitoUser here

    return new Observable((observer) => {
        cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
            onSuccess: (result: any) => {},
            onFailure: (err: Error) => {},
            mfaRequired: (codeDeliveryDetails: any) => {

                // SMS has just been sent automatically 
                // and it needs to be confirmed within this scope

                // The example linked requests the code via `confirm()`
                // which is awful UX...and since this is a service
                // probably non-compliant with best practice
                // However, without this `confirm` at this point in                     
                // time, we have no confirmationCode below

                cognitoUser.sendMFACode(confirmationCode, {
                    onSuccess: (result) => {
                    }, onFailure: (err: Error) => {




虽然我确信非常有才华的人在 amazon-cognito-identity-js API 上工作,但它的设计很糟糕。这就是为什么它被贬低的原因。我个人的建议是迁移到 Amplify,这样我就不那么生气了。

使用 Amplify 你可以做到这些。

import Amplify from 'aws-amplify'
import Auth from '@aws-amplify/auth'

let mfaRequired = false

    Auth: {
        userPoolWebClientId: '',
        userPoolId: ''

const logUserIn = (user) => {
  // Go forth and be happy

// Run me on your login form's submit event
const login = async (username, password) => {
  const user = await Auth.signIn(username, password)

  if (user.challengeName === 'SMS_MFA') {
    // Change UI to show MFA Code input
    mfaRequired = true
  return logUserIn(user)

// Run me when the user submits theire MFA code
const senfMfaCode = async (mfaCode) => {
  const user = await Auth.confirmSignIn(mfaCode)
  return logUserIn(user)

但是,如果出于某些可悲的原因您需要继续使用 amazon-cognito-identity-js,请不要担心。我找到你了。

只需将 cognitoUser 对象存储在回调之外。该文档有点误导,因为它只显示了自包含的示例,但没有理由不能在需要 MFA 时通知您的 UI,然后稍后调用 cognitoUser.sendMFACode()

请记住,文档显示将 this 传递给 sendMFACode() 以进行范围界定(这很糟糕),但您可以将回调声明为变量并在 [=16] 之间共享=] 和 sendMFACode() 函数(或任意数量的函数)。

import { CognitoUserPool, AuthenticationDetails, CognitoUser } from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js'

export let mfaRequired = false
export let cognitoUser = null

export const cognitoCallbacks = {
  mfaRequired () {
    // Implement you functionality to show UI for MFA form
    mfaRequired = true
  onSuccess (response) {
    // Dance for joy the code gods be glorious.
  onFailure () {
    // Cry.

export const logUserIn = payload => {
  cognitoUser = new CognitoUser({
    Username: 'Matt Damon',
    Pool: new CognitoUserPool({
      UserPoolId: '',
      ClientId: ''
  return cognitoUser.authenticateUser(new AuthenticationDetails(payload), cognitoCallbacks)

export const sendMfaCode = MFACode => {
  cognitoUser.sendMFACode(MFACode, cognitoCallbacks)


  1. 只需覆盖外部模块中的 mfaRequired 函数即可为所欲为。
  2. 将整个内容封装在一个 pub/sub 插件中并订阅事件。
