使用条件问题在 Vue 中创建动态表单

Create dynamic form in Vue with conditional questions

但是,我想动态创建一个带有条件字段的表单。表单的定义在对象 Q 中。 下面的例子是一个 Vue 组件,使用 bootstrap-vue.

        <div v-for="q of Q">
            <template v-if="q.type == 'input'">
                {{ q.question }}
                <em v-if="q.comment"><br />{{ q.comment }}</em>
                <b-form-input v-model="q.value" :type="q.subtype" :placeholder="q.placeholder"></b-form-input>
                Value: {{ q.value }}

            <template v-if="q.type == 'radio'">
                {{ q.question }}
                <em v-if="q.comment"><br />{{ q.comment }}</em>
                    <b-form-radio-group buttons

                Value: {{ q.value }}


    export default {
        name: 'Questionnaire',
        data() {
            return {
                locale: 'en',
                Q: [
                        name: 'age',
                        value: null,
                        question: 'How old are you?',
                        placeholder: 'Your age...',
                        comment: 'years since you were born',
                        type: 'input',
                        subtype: 'number',
                        range: [18, 99],
                        name: 'cq',
                        value: null,
                        question: 'Conditional Question?',
                        type: 'radio',
                        options: [
                            {text: 'Yes', value: '0'},
                            {text: 'No', value: '1'},
                        if: [{object: 'age', largerthan: 30}],
        methods: {
            onChange: function(){

我想显示 "Conditional Question" 只有当年龄 > 30 时。

我不受此对象结构的约束,但是它将使用 AJAX...



如@Stephan-v 所说,我将对象更改为 key:value 对象,而不是数组。从@Radovan-Šurlák 的 post 中可以看出,不需要观察者。请注意,计算对象只能在 "beforeCreate" 和方法中创建,变量尚未初始化。将变量从 beforeCreate 传递给对象似乎相当困难。

因此使用@Radovan-Šurlák 作为基础,并稍微改进它会导致:

        <div v-for="(q, name) of Q" v-if="doShow( name )">
            <template v-if="q.type == 'input'">
                <b>{{ q.question }}</b>
                <em v-if="q.comment"><br/>{{ q.comment }}</em>
                <b-form-input v-model="q.value" :type="q.subtype" :placeholder="q.placeholder"></b-form-input>

            <template v-if="q.type == 'radio'">
                <b>{{ q.question }}</b>
                <em v-if="q.comment"><br/>{{ q.comment }}</em>
                    <b-form-radio-group buttons


    export default {
        name: 'Questionnaire',
        data() {
            return {
                locale: 'en',
                Q: {
                    age: {
                        value: null,
                        question: 'How old are you?',
                        placeholder: 'Your age...',
                        comment: 'years since you were born',
                        type: 'input',
                        subtype: 'number',
                        range: [18, 99],
                    cq: {
                        value: null,
                        question: 'Conditional Question?',
                        type: 'radio',
                        options: [
                            {text: 'Yes', value: '0'},
                            {text: 'No', value: '1'},
                        if: [{object: 'age', largerthan: 30, smallerthan: 35, equals: 31, notequal: 32}],
        methods: {
            doShow: function( field ) {
                for( var obj in this.Q[ field ].if )
                    var ifObj = this.Q[ field ].if[ obj ];
                    if( ifObj.equals !== undefined && this.Q[ ifObj.object ].value != ifObj.equals )
                        return false;
                    if( ifObj.notequal !== undefined && this.Q[ ifObj.object ].value == ifObj.notequal )
                        return false;
                    if( ifObj.largerthan !== undefined && this.Q[ ifObj.object ].value <= ifObj.largerthan )
                        return false;
                    if( ifObj.smallerthan !== undefined && this.Q[ ifObj.object ].value >= ifObj.smallerthan )
                        return false;
                return true;
            submit: function () {
                console.log('Submit form, send back data via Axios')
        mounted() {
            // Axios call

我通过在您的模板中 div 的第 2 个 "v-if" 指令成功创建了效果。


    <div v-if="!(q.if) || Q[0].value > q.if[0].largerthan" v-for="q of Q">
        <template v-if="q.type == 'input'">
            {{ q.question }}
            <em v-if="q.comment"><br />{{ q.comment }}</em>
            <b-form-input v-model="q.value" :type="q.subtype" :placeholder="q.placeholder"></b-form-input>
            Value: {{ q.value }}

        <template v-if="q.type == 'radio'">
            {{ q.question }}
            <em v-if="q.comment"><br />{{ q.comment }}</em>
                <b-form-radio-group buttons

            Value: {{ q.value }}


  export default {
    name: 'Questionnaire',
    data() {
        return {
            locale: 'en',
            Q: [],
    created() {
      setTimeout( _ => this.Q = [
                    name: 'age',
                    value: null,
                    question: 'How old are you?',
                    placeholder: 'Your age...',
                    comment: 'years since you were born',
                    type: 'input',
                    subtype: 'number',
                    range: [18, 99],
                    name: 'cq',
                    value: null,
                    question: 'Conditional Question?',
                    type: 'radio',
                    options: [
                        {text: 'Yes', value: '0'},
                        {text: 'No', value: '1'},
                    if: [{object: 'age', largerthan: 30}],
                    name: 'age',
                    value: null,
                    question: 'How old are you?',
                    placeholder: 'Your age...',
                    comment: 'years since you were born',
                    type: 'input',
                    subtype: 'number',
                    range: [18, 99],
         ], 500)