将 data/object 附加到选项卡式布局中的选项卡

Attaching data/object to a tab in tabbed layout

我创建了一个选项卡布局,它为列表中的每个医生对象创建了一个选项卡。 Currently i am setting the tab title as doctor name but when a tab is selected, I want to get the id of the corresponding doctor.我可以从列表中的位置得到这个,但我希望有一个更清洁的解决方案。有什么方法可以在创建时将对象或什至只是一个 id 附加到选项卡,以便我可以在我的侦听器被触发时直接从选定的选项卡访问它?

for(Doctors doctor: list)
    TabLayout.Tab tempTab = tabLayout.newTab().setText(doctor.getName());

    //here i would like to put doctor.getId() into my tab

您尝试过使用setTag()方法吗?参见 docs. You can use it in any class that extends View and you can store data with it. To retrieve the data, you can use getTag(). Also works for TabLayout.Tab.

Tags can also be used to store data within a view without resorting to another data structure.

