pecl install memcache 在 OS X Yosemite 和 "memcache support requires ZLIB" 上失败
pecl install memcache fails on OS X Yosemite with "memcache support requires ZLIB"
我正在尝试在 OS X Yosemite 上使用 XAMPP 执行 pecl install memcache
,但找不到 zlib
checking for the location of ZLIB... no
checking for the location of zlib... configure: error: memcache support requires ZLIB.
Use --with-zlib-dir= to specify prefix where ZLIB include and library are located
ERROR: `/private/tmp/pear/temp/memcache/configure --enable-memcache-session=yes' failed
如何安装 zlib
以便此 pecl install memcache
brew install zlib
接下来找到 zlib 头文件:
locate zlib.h
/Applications/ etc
我尽可能使用 brew,所以我选择了 brew 版本:
brew install php55-memcached --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.8/include/zlib.h
我假设将此标志传递给 pecl 会得到相同的结果。
我在使用另一个扩展时遇到了同样的问题 (SPX)
checking for zlib header... checking for zlib location... configure: error: spx support requires ZLIB. Use --with-zlib-dir=<DIR> to specify the prefix where ZLIB headers and library are located
当 运行 ./configure
使用 --with-zlib-dir
标志时,我确实修复了它。确保安装了 zlib (brew install zlib
# replace "./configure" with:
./configure --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11
# or "--with-zlib-dir=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11" for Apple silicon
sudo make install
我正在尝试在 OS X Yosemite 上使用 XAMPP 执行 pecl install memcache
,但找不到 zlib
checking for the location of ZLIB... no
checking for the location of zlib... configure: error: memcache support requires ZLIB.
Use --with-zlib-dir= to specify prefix where ZLIB include and library are located
ERROR: `/private/tmp/pear/temp/memcache/configure --enable-memcache-session=yes' failed
如何安装 zlib
以便此 pecl install memcache
brew install zlib
接下来找到 zlib 头文件:
locate zlib.h
/Applications/ etc
我尽可能使用 brew,所以我选择了 brew 版本:
brew install php55-memcached --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.8/include/zlib.h
我假设将此标志传递给 pecl 会得到相同的结果。
我在使用另一个扩展时遇到了同样的问题 (SPX)
checking for zlib header... checking for zlib location... configure: error: spx support requires ZLIB. Use --with-zlib-dir=<DIR> to specify the prefix where ZLIB headers and library are located
当 运行 ./configure
使用 --with-zlib-dir
标志时,我确实修复了它。确保安装了 zlib (brew install zlib
# replace "./configure" with:
./configure --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11
# or "--with-zlib-dir=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11" for Apple silicon
sudo make install