如何包装 async/await 的多线程回调?

How to wrap a multithreaded callback for async/await?

我有 async/await 代码并想使用类似于 websocket 的 API。它需要一个回调来接收从另一个线程调用的新消息。

我可以在与连接启动相同的 async/await 上下文中执行此回调而不诉诸锁定吗?

我认为这就是 SynchronizationContext 的用途,但我无法判断它是否线程安全。如果我记录 thread-id,每个回调将在不同的线程上。如果我记录 Task.CurrentId 它为空。我认为相同的同步上下文在不同线程之间移动,所以这可能没问题,但我不知道如何确认。

// External api, the callbacks will be from multiple threads
public class Api
    public static Connect(
        Action<Connection> onConnect,
        Action<Connection> onMessage) 

async Task<Connection> ConnectAsync(Action<Message> callback)
    if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null)
        SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());

    var syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Connection>();

    // use post() to ensure callbacks from other threads are executed thread-safely

    Action<Connection> onConnect = conn => 
        syncContext.Post(o => tcs.SetResult(conn), null);
    Action<Message> onMsg = msg => 
        syncContext.Post(o => callback(msg), null);

    // call the multi-threaded non async/await api supplying the callbacks

    Api.Connect(onConnect, onMsg);

    return await tcs.Task;

var connection = await ConnectAsync(
    msg => 
        /* is code here threadsafe with the send without extra locking? */ 

await connection.Send("Hello world);

感谢@Evk,他指出默认的 SynchronizationContext 实际上并没有同步任何东西,也没有按照您期望的方式实现 send/post。


解决方法是使用 Stephen Cleary 的异步库,该库将 SynchronizationContext 实现为单个线程中的消息泵,以便 post() 调用与其他等待调用在同一线程中被调用。

// External api, the callbacks will be from multiple threads
public class Api
    public static Connect(
        Action<Connection> onConnect,
        Action<Connection> onMessage) 

async Task<Connection> ConnectAsync(Action<Message> callback)
    var syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Connection>();

    // use post() to ensure callbacks from other threads are executed thread-safely

    Action<Connection> onConnect = conn => 
        syncContext.Post(o => tcs.SetResult(conn), null);
    Action<Message> onMsg = msg => 
        syncContext.Post(o => callback(msg), null);

    // call the multi-threaded non async/await api supplying the callbacks

    Api.Connect(onConnect, onMsg);

    return await tcs.Task;

// https://github.com/StephenClearyArchive/AsyncEx.Context
Nito.AsyncEx.AsyncContext.Run(async () =>
    var connection = await ConnectAsync(
        msg => 
            /* this will execute in same thread as ConnectAsync and Send */ 

    await connection.Send("Hello world);

    ... more async/await code