为什么我的套接字 connect() 在 WSASetSocketSecurity() 之后失败?

Why does my socket connect() fail after WSASetSocketSecurity()?

我正在教 class,我想向学生展示如何在 C++ 中打开套接字并阅读 Linux 和 [=29= 下的 http: 和 https: 网页]. Linux 版本轻而易举地使用了 OpenSSL. But under Windows using Microsoft's WSA socket library, I've only been able to read non-ssl pages. I cannot figure out how to get their WSASetSocketSecurity() 功能。

通过注释掉以下代码片段中的 WSASetSocketSecurity 调用,我能够读取 http:(端口 80)页面。我能够 connect() to https: (port 443) hosts but attempts to send an HTML GET request and then recv() 页面按预期失败,没有返回任何内容或来自某些服务器的 400 错误请求页面,因为我没有协商加密。

取消对 WSASetSocketSecurity 调用的注释以保证加密,在 http: 和 https: 页面上,连接调用总是失败并显示 WSAGetLastError = 10060(连接超时)。

调用 WSASetSocketSecurity 但指定允许不安全的连接允许我读取 http: 页面但 https: 页面失败,就像根本没有调用 WSASetSocketSecurity 一样。


我已经尝试过用 WSAxxx() 版本替换套接字、连接和其他调用的实验,想象可能会有类似于在 [=32 中连接后必须进行 SSL_connect 调用的区别=] 但这没有区别。我唯一能想到但尚未尝试的是使用 WSASetSocketPeerTargetName() 对主机进行身份验证,但在我看来,如果我想要的只是一个 SSL link,我不需要这样做。


   // Initialize the socket library.
   // wVersionRequested = 2.2 (current latest)

   WSADATA wsaData;
   int wsaStartupResult = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsaData );
   assert( wsaStartupResult == 0 );

   // Get the host address.

   ADDRINFOA *addressInfo;
   int addrInfoResult = getaddrinfo( url.Host, url.Service,
         nullptr, &addressInfo );
   assert( addrInfoResult == 0 );

   sockaddr *socketAddress = addressInfo->ai_addr;
   size_t socketAddressLength = addressInfo->ai_addrlen;
   PrintAddress( socketAddress, socketAddressLength );

   // Create a TCP/IP socket.

   assert( s != INVALID_SOCKET );

   // Turn on SSL.

   int setSecurityResult = WSASetSocketSecurity( s,
         &security, sizeof( security ), nullptr, nullptr );
   assert( setSecurityResult == 0 );

   // Connect to the host.

   int connectResult = connect( s, socketAddress, socketAddressLength );

   if ( connectResult != 0 )
      cerr << "Connect failed, WSAGetLastError = " << WSAGetLastError( ) << endl;
   assert( connectResult == 0 );

   // Send a GET message for the desired page.

   string getMessage = "GET ";
   getMessage += url.CompleteUrl;
   getMessage += " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ";
   getMessage += url.Host;
   getMessage += "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";

   cout << getMessage << endl;
   send( s, getMessage.c_str( ), getMessage.length( ), 0 );

   // Read from the socket until there's no more data.

   HANDLE Stdout = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
   char buffer[ 10240 ];
   int bytes;
   DWORD length;

   while ( ( bytes = recv( s, buffer, sizeof( buffer ), 0 ) ) > 0 )
      WriteFile( Stdout, buffer, bytes, &length, nullptr );

   freeaddrinfo( addressInfo );
   closesocket( s );
   WSACleanup( );          

您关于套接字安全性开启 SSL/TLS 的假设是错误的。它实际上是为了强制使用 IPsec 协议。请参阅 Winsock Secure Socket Extensions. If you need SSL/TLS then you should use Secure Channel(built-in Windows SSL/TLS 库)、OpenSSL 或其他在套接字之上工作的专用库。