swagger springfox - bean 验证 JSR 303 无法识别
swagger springfox - bean validation JSR 303 not recognize
我按照本教程 https://springframework.guru/spring-boot-restful-api-documentation-with-swagger-2/ 生成了 swagger 文档。
它正在工作,但是当我尝试在我的 bean 中添加一些验证时,我没有在文档中找到信息:
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a product",
notes="Populates a product instance bla bla")
@RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity saveProduct( @Valid @RequestBody Product product){
return new ResponseEntity("Product saved successfully", HttpStatus.OK);
public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The database generated product ID")
private Integer id;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The auto-generated version of the product")
private Integer version;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The application-specific product ID" )
private String productId;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The product description")
@Size(max = 50)
private String description;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The image URL of the product")
private String imageUrl;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The price of the product", required = true)
private BigDecimal price;
这里 https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/987 他们说我们需要更新我们的依赖项,我就是这么做的 :
我在 post 中找到了解决方案:http://vojtechruzicka.com/documenting-spring-boot-rest-api-swagger-springfox/。
遗憾的是,基于 JSR-303 的文档无法开箱即用,您需要额外的依赖项:
并且您需要在 swagger 配置之上导入 BeanValidatorPluginsConfiguration 配置文件 class:
public class SpringFoxConfig {
谢谢@vojtech-ruzicka https://whosebug.com/users/4560142/vojtech-ruzicka
我按照本教程 https://springframework.guru/spring-boot-restful-api-documentation-with-swagger-2/ 生成了 swagger 文档。 它正在工作,但是当我尝试在我的 bean 中添加一些验证时,我没有在文档中找到信息:
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a product",
notes="Populates a product instance bla bla")
@RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity saveProduct( @Valid @RequestBody Product product){
return new ResponseEntity("Product saved successfully", HttpStatus.OK);
public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The database generated product ID")
private Integer id;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The auto-generated version of the product")
private Integer version;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The application-specific product ID" )
private String productId;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The product description")
@Size(max = 50)
private String description;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The image URL of the product")
private String imageUrl;
// @ApiModelProperty(notes = "The price of the product", required = true)
private BigDecimal price;
这里 https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/987 他们说我们需要更新我们的依赖项,我就是这么做的 :
我在 post 中找到了解决方案:http://vojtechruzicka.com/documenting-spring-boot-rest-api-swagger-springfox/。 一切都解释清楚了:
遗憾的是,基于 JSR-303 的文档无法开箱即用,您需要额外的依赖项:
并且您需要在 swagger 配置之上导入 BeanValidatorPluginsConfiguration 配置文件 class:
public class SpringFoxConfig {
谢谢@vojtech-ruzicka https://whosebug.com/users/4560142/vojtech-ruzicka