Titanium,使用动画更改 TextField 高度

Titanium, change TextField height with animation

在 Appcelerator Titanium(iOS 项目)中,我有一个 TextFieldheight:50TextField 包含更多文本,但它的高度设置为 50 的事实让我可以使用 TextField 作为剩余文本的预览:在 TextField 下面我有一个按钮,当我点击这个按钮我想显示整个文本,所以我想将 TextField 从当前高度设置为 Ti.UI.SIZE 的动画。这可能吗?如何?我注意到一些 iOS 属性(例如 anchorPoint),但我不明白它们是否对我有用。

如果您想要多行和自动换行,您需要使用 TextArea 而不是 TextField

我已将 TextArea 添加到 View 中,因此我可以对其进行动画处理以使其展开和缩小。


// Create the text area for multiple lines and word wrapping.
var messageField = Ti.UI.createTextArea({
    backgroundColor: 'transparent',
    color: 'black',
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE, // Set here the height to SIZE and the view's height to the required one, ex. 50
    textAlign: 'left',
    value: 'This text should be displayed in more than one line in a text area, but that behavior is not supported by a text field, again, This text should be displayed in more than one line in a text area, but that behavior is not supported by a text field.',
    width: '90%',
    font: { fontSize: 20 }

// Add the text area to a view to be able to animate it
var view = Titanium.UI.createView({
    height: 50, // Required height
    top: 250,
    width: '90%',
    borderColor: 'black',
    borderRadius: 10,
    borderWidth: 2,

// Create animation object
var animation = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
animation.duration = 1000; // Set the time of animation, 1000 --> 1 second

var button = Ti.UI.createButton({
    title: "Show More",
    font: { fontSize: 18 },
    width: 100,
    top: 200
var isExpanded = false;
button.addEventListener('click', function() { // Event listener for your button
    if(isExpanded) {
        isExpanded = false;
        animation.height = 50; // Set the animation height to 50 to shrink the view
        view.animate(animation); // Start animating the view to the required height
        button.title = "Show More";
    } else {
        isExpanded = true;
        animation.height = Ti.UI.SIZE; // Set the animation height to SIZE to make it expand
        view.animate(animation); // Start animating the view to the required height
        button.title = "Show Less";

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    backgroundColor: 'white'
