
Does increase in number of mining pool decrease the block generation time

任何人都可以澄清是否(或没有)以太坊网络中矿池的增加会减少平均区块生成时间? (例如,如果另一个像 ethermine 这样的矿池今天加入网络并开始挖矿)。由于所有池都在相互竞争,我感到困惑


来自mining section of the Ethereum wiki

The proof of work algorithm used is called Ethash (a modified version of Dagger-Hashimoto) involves finding a nonce input to the algorithm so that the result is below a certain threshold depending on the difficulty. The point in PoW algorithms is that there is no better strategy to find such a nonce than enumerating the possibilities while verification of a solution is trivial and cheap. If outputs have a uniform distribution, then we can guarantee that on average the time needed to find a nonce depends on the difficulty threshold, making it possible to control the time of finding a new block just by manipulating difficulty.

The difficulty dynamically adjusts so that on average one block is produced by the entire network every 12 seconds.

(请注意,当前区块生成时间接近 15 秒。您可以在 Etherscan 上找到区块生成时间)