
Why call object class parameter method linseed of fixed data type parameter in inheritance


public class BaseClass
    public virtual void Print(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("BaseClass Print(int)");

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public override void Print(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("DerivedClass Print(int)");

    public void Print(object obj)
        Console.WriteLine("DerivedClass Print(object)");
static void Main(string[] args)
    DerivedClass objDerivedClass = new DerivedClass();
    int i = 10;

输出为 DerivedClass Print(object).


public class SomeClass
    public void Print(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("DerivedClass Print(int)");

    public void Print(object obj)
        Console.WriteLine("DerivedClass Print(object)");

static void Main(string[] args)
    SomeClass objSomeClass = new SomeClass();
    int i = 10;

输出为 DerivedClass Print(int)

调用objDerivedClass.Print(i);方法后,输出为DerivedClass Print(object)。我不明白为什么调用方法 Print(object obj) 而不是 Print(int i).

如果DerivedClass不继承BaseClass class则输出为DerivedClass Print(int).



  1. 包含 override 修饰符的函数已从候选集中排除。
  2. 既然可以使用带object参数的函数,那么将在base中声明的函数从候选集合中移除。

获胜者是带有 object 参数的函数。

根据Eric Lippert (from Microsoft)

This is by design and for a good reason. This design helps prevent the Brittle Base Class problem. C# was designed to make it easier and safer to write "versioned" components, and this rule is a big part of that.

当不使用继承时,两个函数都是候选的,使用更具体的那个。获胜者是带有 int 参数的函数。