C++ - 为什么可以在复制构造函数中直接访问传递的对象的私有变量?

C++ - Why can a passed object's private variables be accessed directly in the Copy Constructor?

class IntVec
     IntVec(int siz);
     IntVec(const IntVec& temp);


       int* arr;

       int size;

    size = 2;

    arr = new int[size]; 

IntVec::IntVec(int siz)
    size = siz;

    arr = new int[size];

IntVec::IntVec(const IntVec& temp)
    size = temp.size; // Why does this not cause an error?  size is a private variable of object temp.

    arr = new int[size];

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        arr[i] = temp.arr[i]; // Why doesn't this cause an error?  arr is a private variable of object temp.

    delete[] arr;

int main()
    IntVec test1(2);

    cout << test1.size; // Causes error (expected), since size is private.

我不清楚为什么我可以在复制构造函数中访问 temp 的 size 和 arr 变量,因为它们是私有变量。为什么我在 main() 中出错是有道理的,但我不确定为什么我在复制构造函数中没有出错。

这是因为 public/protected/private 指的是 class 而不是单个对象。因此,class 中的所有对象以及静态方法都可以访问彼此的内部结构。

private成员有class作用域意味着可以在class内部直接使用,不能直接在class外部使用private成员,因为拷贝构造函数在[=]内部12=] 你可以访问私有成员

size = temp.size; // Why does this not cause an error?  size is a private variable of object temp.




temp的类型是IntVecIntVec 类型对象的任何成员都可以在 IntVec.


Non-member 函数和其他 类 的成员函数将无法访问 IntVec.[=18= 类型对象的 private 成员]

那是因为access specifiers有效per-class,而不是per-object。因此,class 方法可以访问 class.

any 实例的私有成员

All members of a class (bodies of member functions, initializers of member objects, and the entire nested class definitions) have access to all the names to which a class can access. A local class within a member function has access to all the names the member function itself can access.