在 Python 中将完整的 csv table 写入 PDF

Writing full csv table to PDF in Python

我有一个 python 脚本,它使用 reportlab platypus 将文本消息数据从 .csv 文件写入 PDF 中的 table。它只将 table 的最后一行写入单元格。它忽略了这一点之前的所有其他行。它写入 PDF 的唯一一行是 excel 片段中以黄色突出显示的最后一行。如图所示,还包含一个片段,其中包含将其写入 PDF 时的样子。

它还会在三页或四页中创建 PDF,推断它正在尝试为完整的 table 创建 space 但它不会写入。这是我到目前为止一直在使用的代码。我想以 Excel 片段中显示的相同格式将其写入 PDF 文档。我应该如何重构我的代码来做到这一点?

# Script to generate a PDF report after data has been parsed into smsInfo.csv file

# import statements
import requests
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import *
from reportlab.platypus import *
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
import csv
import os
import datetime

now = datetime.datetime.now()

# Get de work directory
cwd = os.getcwd()

# Introduction text
line2 = 'Date: ' + now.strftime("%d-%m-%y")
line3 = 'Case Number: 10'
line4 = 'This forensic report on sms card data has been compiled by the forensic'
line5 = 'examiner in conclusion to the investigation into the RTA'
line6 = 'case which occurred on 23/01/2018.'

#PDF document layout
table_style = TableStyle([('ALIGN',(1,1),(-2,-2),'RIGHT'),
                       ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
                       ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
styleNormal = styles['Normal']
styleHeading = styles['Heading1']
styleHeading2 = styles['Heading2']
styleHeading.alignment = 1 # centre text (TA_CENTRE)

#Configure style and word wrap
s = getSampleStyleSheet()
s = s["BodyText"]
s.wordWrap = 'CJK'

# File that must be written to report
with open('H:\College Fourth Year\Development Project\Final Year Project 2018\ExtractedEvidence\smsInfo.csv', "r") as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    lista = list(reader)

headers = lista[0]

conteo = 1

for numRecord in range(1,len(lista)):

    record1 = lista[numRecord]

    data = list()
    emptyRecords = list()
    records = list()
    header = list()

    countRecords = 0

    for line in record1:

        if line == '':

            data.append([str(headers[countRecords]), str(line)])

        countRecords = countRecords + 1

    data2 = [[Paragraph(cell, s) for cell in row] for row in data]
    t = Table(data2)

    elements = []

    # Name of file
    fileName = cwd + '\' + 'Forensic Reports\SMS Data Report' + '.pdf'

    conteo = conteo + 1

    archivo_pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(fileName, pagesize = letter, rightMargin = 40, leftMargin = 40, topMargin = 40, bottomMargin = 28)

    #Send the data and build the file
    elements.append(Paragraph(line1, styleNormal))
    elements.append(Paragraph(line2, styleNormal))
    elements.append(Paragraph(line3, styleNormal))
    elements.append(Spacer(inch, .25*inch))
    elements.append(Paragraph(line4, styleNormal))
    elements.append(Paragraph(line5, styleNormal))
    elements.append(Paragraph(line6, styleNormal))
    elements.append(Spacer(inch, .25*inch))

    print ('SMS Data Forensic Report Generated!')

当前脚本似乎为 CSV 的每一行覆盖相同的 PDF 文件。下面显示的修改后的脚本生成 table,如电子表格中所示。我做了一些重大更改,因此您需要修改文件路径、格式、内容等以适合您的应用程序。新代码还包括列宽并删除了一些看似不必要的字符。

生成的 PDF 示例


['ID','Incoming Number','Date & Time','Read','Sent/Replied','Body','Seen']
(1,'555-555-5555','23-01-2018 17:03:52',1,1,'Where are you at? Are you on your way yet?',1)
(2,'555-555-5555','23-01-2018 17:04:08',1,2,'Yes I am driving at the moment',1)
(3,'555-555-5555','23-01-2018 17:04:34',1,1,'Be here soon or I'm going to call you',1)
(4,'555-555-5555','23-01-2018 17:05:10',1,2,'Yes I will try and pick up the speed and make up time. I'm breaking the speed limit already.',1)
(5,'555-555-5555','23-01-2018 17:05:46',1,1,'Ok',1)

已修改 Python 脚本

table 样式代码比帮助演示单元格范围如何工作所需的要长。

import csv
import datetime
from reportlab.lib.units import cm, inch
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.platypus import *
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet

# Data from CSV
with open('smsInfo.csv', "r") as csvfile:
    data = list(csv.reader(csvfile))

elements = []

# PDF Text
# PDF Text - Styles
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
styleNormal = styles['Normal']

# PDF Text - Content
line2 = 'Date: {}'.format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%y"))
line3 = 'Case Number: 10'
line4 = 'This forensic report on sms card data has been compiled by the forensic'
line5 = 'examiner in conclusion to the investigation into the RTA'
line6 = 'case which occurred on 23/01/2018.'

elements.append(Paragraph(line1, styleNormal))
elements.append(Paragraph(line2, styleNormal))
elements.append(Paragraph(line3, styleNormal))
elements.append(Spacer(inch, .25 * inch))
elements.append(Paragraph(line4, styleNormal))
elements.append(Paragraph(line5, styleNormal))
elements.append(Paragraph(line6, styleNormal))
elements.append(Spacer(inch, .25 * inch))

# PDF Table
# PDF Table - Styles
# [(start_column, start_row), (end_column, end_row)]
all_cells = [(0, 0), (-1, -1)]
header = [(0, 0), (-1, 0)]
column0 = [(0, 0), (0, -1)]
column1 = [(1, 0), (1, -1)]
column2 = [(2, 0), (2, -1)]
column3 = [(3, 0), (3, -1)]
column4 = [(4, 0), (4, -1)]
column5 = [(5, 0), (5, -1)]
column6 = [(6, 0), (6, -1)]
table_style = TableStyle([
    ('VALIGN', all_cells[0], all_cells[1], 'TOP'),
    ('LINEBELOW', header[0], header[1], 1, colors.black),
    ('ALIGN', column0[0], column0[1], 'LEFT'),
    ('ALIGN', column1[0], column1[1], 'LEFT'),
    ('ALIGN', column2[0], column2[1], 'LEFT'),
    ('ALIGN', column3[0], column3[1], 'RIGHT'),
    ('ALIGN', column4[0], column4[1], 'RIGHT'),
    ('ALIGN', column5[0], column5[1], 'LEFT'),
    ('ALIGN', column6[0], column6[1], 'RIGHT'),

# PDF Table - Column Widths
colWidths = [
    0.7 * cm,  # Column 0
    3.1 * cm,  # Column 1
    3.7 * cm,  # Column 2
    1.2 * cm,  # Column 3
    2.5 * cm,  # Column 4
    6 * cm,  # Column 5
    1.1 * cm,  # Column 6

# PDF Table - Strip '[]() and add word wrap to column 5
for index, row in enumerate(data):
    for col, val in enumerate(row):
        if col != 5 or index == 0:
            data[index][col] = val.strip("'[]()")
            data[index][col] = Paragraph(val, styles['Normal'])

# Add table to elements
t = Table(data, colWidths=colWidths)

# Generate PDF
archivo_pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(
    'SMS Data Report.pdf',
print('SMS Data Forensic Report Generated!')